Sophie Trudeau Denies Meghan Markle’s Claims in New Interview: ‘I Don’t Know Her’

Sophie Trudeau, former first lady of Canada and ex-wife of Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau, has distanced herself from Meghan Markle, suggesting they did not spend much time together despite Meghan’s previous praise of of Sophie as a dear friend. In a November 2022 episode of the Archetypes podcast, Meghan revealed that Sophie used to send her supportive meditations and voice notes during her pregnancy. Meghan had sought advice from Sophie over the years and fondly remembered a delightful day they spent together at a mansion, where they enjoyed the company of their children and had a carefree time.

However, in a recent interview with The Times, when asked about her relationship with Meghan, Sophie was reserved and said: “I know her, but we haven’t spent a lot of time together.” Sophie redirected the conversation to Meghan’s sister-in-law, Catherine, Princess of Wales, expressing concern after hearing about Catherine’s cancer diagnosis. Sophie pointed out that the party Meghan mentioned never happened and clarified that it was a Zoom call. Sophie noted the logistical challenges of being in Ottawa as the Prime Minister’s wife and the closed borders during the pandemic, making it very unlikely that she and her children would travel to Montecito for an informal meeting.

It appears the story Meghan shared may have been embellished or misunderstood. It seems unlikely that Meghan would invite anyone to the Montecito mansion, as its interior has remained dated, without any new furniture or updates. This situation parallels the Michelle Obama lunch incident, where Meghan appeared to be sharing a cozy lunch, but it was later revealed she was dining alone on tacos.

The voice notes Meghan mentioned compromised Sophie’s YouTube interviews, where Meghan viewed the meditations as inspirational remarks. The reference to wine alludes to how Meghan was able to manifest this illusion. It remains unclear why Sophie is downplaying her friendship with Meghan. One possible explanation could be linked to Meghan’s breakup with her former close friend, Jessica Mulroney, who had previously been a stylist for Sophie Trudeau. The Trudeaus and Mulroneys have been friends since childhood, and it is likely that their wives formed a close bond. However, Meghan’s treatment of Jessica could have made her unwanted among Canada’s elites.

Although Meghan may have exaggerated her friendship with Sophie, it wouldn’t be surprising if Sophie showed loyalty to her friend Jessica, considering how Meghan treats her. This could have made Meghan feel unwelcome among Canada’s elite circles.


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