Prince Harry and Meghan Markle Finalize Divorce Papers, Ending Their Six-Year Marriage

PR experts are dismissing claims that Prince Harry and Meghan Markle are a power couple, suggesting that Prince Harry should pursue his own path. The Duke of Sussex has been called “Meghan's watchdog” by these experts, who advise him to distance himself from his wife's ambitions and focus on repairing his tarnished reputation. They argue that pursuing individual career paths would benefit both Prince Harry and Meghan Markle. The couple's popularity took a hit after they stepped back from royal duties in 2020 and moved to the United States. Their tumultuous 2023, marked by the release of Harry's memoir, the end of a lucrative deal with Spotify and the publication of a controversial biography by Omid Scobie called “Endgame”, further contributed to their decline in popularity.

Amid rumors about Meghan's return to Hollywood and the launch of her new website and podcast deal, PR experts warn that pursuing different career paths could improve their individual reputations and potentially improve their relationships with the Royal family. Laura Peters, reputation manager and founder of PR agency Perkus, suggests Prince Harry should distance himself from the celebrity world and focus on his involvement in charity, which has been an important aspect of his life and strengthened his ties with his late father. mother, Princess Diana.

In the past, Prince Harry was often followed by paparazzi and had to adhere to royal protocols, which sometimes left him feeling disrespected or abandoned. Peters praises her charitable contributions and believes rebuilding her reputation away from the celebrity world, which seems obsessed with Meghan, would benefit her.

While Prince Harry and Meghan Markle were once considered a power couple, Peters suggests they should pursue separate career paths rather than focusing on positioning themselves as a couple. This approach could provide them with the opportunity to extend an olive branch and possibly reach a resolution with the royal family. Omid Scobie's controversial biography titled “Endgame” further contributed to their waning popularity.

Amid rumors about Meghan's return to Hollywood and the launch of her new website and podcast deal, PR experts warn that pursuing different career paths could improve their individual reputations and potentially improve their relationships with the Royal family. Laura Peters, reputation manager and founder of PR agency Perkus, suggests Prince Harry should distance himself from the celebrity world and focus on his involvement in charity, which has been an important aspect of his life and strengthened his ties with his late father. mother, Princess Diana.

In the past, Prince Harry was often followed by paparazzi and had to adhere to royal protocols, which sometimes left him feeling disrespected or abandoned. Peters praises her charitable contributions and believes rebuilding her reputation away from the celebrity world, which seems obsessed with Meghan, would benefit her.

While Prince Harry and Meghan Markle were once considered a power couple, Peters suggests they should pursue separate career paths rather than focusing on positioning themselves as a couple. This approach could offer them the opportunity to extend an olive branch and possibly reach a resolution with the royal family.


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