Bradley Walsh Claims Meghan Markle Tried to Seduce Him to Join ‘The Chase

TV host Bradley Walsh has revealed a bizarre encounter with Meghan Markle, the Duchess of Sussex. According to Walsh, Markle tried to seduce him in a brazen bid to get on her hit game show *The Chase*. The revelations come alongside the release of footage showing the Duchess engaging in the act, leaving Walsh and the British public in shock.

It all started, Walsh claims, when he received an unexpected visit from Meghan Markle at his private residence. The duchess, known for her acting career and role in the royal family, reportedly showed up unannounced, intending to persuade Walsh to feature her on *The Chase*.

“I was just going about my business, having a cup of tea and watching a bit of TV when there was a knock at the door,” Walsh recalled in a revealing interview. “I opened the door and there was Meghan Markle herself, standing there in a low-cut top and a skirt that could pass for a belt.”

According to Walsh, Markle wasted no time in making her intentions known. “She burst in, started batting her eyelashes and telling me how much she loved the show. Then she got closer and closer until she was practically sitting on my lap.”

The footage, which Walsh claims to have recorded in secret, appears to corroborate her account. In the video, Markle can be seen engaging in what Walsh describes as blatant flirting, including suggestive comments and embarrassing gestures.

Walsh is convinced that Markle’s actions were motivated by a thirst for fame and attention rather than a genuine interest in the show. “It’s clear to me that she was looking for more than just a spot on the show,” he said. “She’s a celebrity chaser, period, and she’ll stop at nothing to get her name out there.”

The host claimed to have firmly rebuffed Meghan Markle’s advances, refusing to give in to her alleged seduction tactics. “I told her straight up, ‘I’m sorry, sweetheart, but you’re not my type, and even if you were, there’s no way I’m letting you on my show just because you have a thing for royals.'”

The producers of *The Chase* have since released a statement addressing the controversy, acknowledging the existence of the video but declining to comment further on the matter. “We are aware of the video in question and the allegations made by Mr. Walsh,” the statement read. “However, we do not discuss the private lives or casting decisions of our contestants, past or present. *The Chase* remains committed to providing our viewers with an exciting and compelling game show experience.”

Meghan Markle herself has yet to respond to the allegations or the leaked footage. The duchess has maintained a stoic silence, leading many to speculate about the veracity of Walsh’s claims. “If it weren’t true, you’d think she’d jump on it, denying everything left and right,” royal correspondent Tabitha Wilkins said. “But the fact that she’s staying silent makes it all the more suspicious, doesn’t it?”

The news of Meghan Markle’s attempted seduction has sparked a wave of reactions from the British public, with many people speaking out on social media. “Bradley Walsh is a national treasure, and for Meghan Markle to try to exploit him in this way is simply despicable,” wrote one Twitter user. “She clearly has no shame.”

Others, however, came to Markle’s defense, accusing Walsh of making up the story to discredit the duchess. “This smacks of an attempt to tarnish Meghan’s reputation again,” one Markle supporter commented. “I won’t believe a word of this until we hear her side of the story.”

Whatever the truth behind these allegations, the fallout from this incident will likely have a lasting impact on both Walsh and Markle’s public personas. For Walsh, these revelations could cement her status as a beloved and no-nonsense television personality who refuses to be swayed by the whims of celebrities. At the same time, Markle’s reputation as a calculating social climber could be further cemented, making it increasingly difficult for her to shake off the negative perceptions that have dogged her since joining the royal family.


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