Meghan Markle Stunned as Security Company Blacklists Sussexes over Bossy Attitude Towards Former Bodyguards

Meghan Markle found herself in a surprising situation when a security company decided to blacklist the Sussexes due to their controlling behavior towards their former bodyguards. This blacklist was a consequence of their interactions with previous security personnel who had served on Harry’s recent outings.

In recent events, it has become clear that security has been reduced to a minimum. This was evident in photographs from the Beyoncé concert and a football match attended by Prince Harry. Observers noted that the Sussexes appeared to have only two bodyguards remaining.

These developments gave rise to rumors about Meghan and Harry’s financial situation. Every time they are seen spending money on concert tickets, trips, polo outfits and other such gifts, questions arise about the origins of their finances. Meghan has a history of seeking out free items and gifts, and her reputation for getting freebies precedes her.

She is known to ask acquaintances to use her connections to obtain benefits such as housing, possibly contributing to her difficulty maintaining lasting friendships. It should be noted that these behaviors may be related to her attempts to obtain gifts, as she allegedly attempted to get a book for free.

Spotify’s CEO, calling them “scammers,” added to the suspicion surrounding their financial dealings. In addition, control extends to Sussex security forces. Some familiar guards were spotted, including one with Harry at a store in Los Angeles. However, the presence or absence of these security agents already seen at VIP events, such as the Beyoncé concert, remains uncertain.

A person using the handle “strawberry” on social media claimed Meghan intimidated the security team and even made Harry consider hiring another bodyguard. According to this source, a former police officer who had started his own security company and worked mainly with Bill Gates was brought in to work with Harry and Meghan last year. This individual indicated that although Harry was affable, he often blamed Meghan for their security issues.

Security arrangements for the Sussexes evolved, initially involving two bodyguards before moving to one. Meghan, however, expressed her displeasure at having only one bodyguard and indicated that it was not enough.

She seemed to blame her partner, saying something along the lines of, “I’m so sorry for my wife, you know how she can be.” Additionally, it was alleged that Meghan insulted her former bodyguards and, in some cases, refused to pay them.

This tumultuous relationship between the Sussexes and their security personnel ultimately led to their blacklisting by high-end security companies, effectively ending their professional associations with those companies. There had already been rumors that Harry was sponsoring their security as a diplomat. However, in reality, it lacked the diplomatic status necessary to provide taxpayer-funded security.

Elsewhere, Meghan Markle appears to be avoiding traveling to the UK in a bid to escape any negative attention. It is suggested that the former actress prefers the company of people who praise and support her, especially in her post-royal life.

This decision corresponds to her propensity to be present in spaces where she receives positive feedback, which she has notably experienced at recent celebrity events like Beyoncé concerts. These feelings emerged amid reports that Meghan was unwilling to fault the royal family for not being treated with the same courtesy as Kate when the Welsh princess ascended the throne.


Hey, I am Avijit... I am mostly addicted to films, music, cricket, and football—and not necessarily in that order....

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