Ava Duvernay Fires Back at Meghan Markle and Prince Harry’s Clash with CSA President in Sneering Response

Meghan Markle, the American actress who entered the British royal family, is currently seeing her Hollywood ambitions collapse at an alarming rate, faster than you can pronounce “Duchess of Sussex.” Now, diving into the latest gossip, celebrity filmmaker Ava DuVernay has dealt a major blow to Meghan’s already tarnished reputation by stealing the spotlight at the OS Awards. Adding fuel to this juicy story is an alleged $250,000 bribe that Meghan allegedly tried to use to influence the CSA president. Seriously, Meghan? Is this how you thought you could secure your place in Hollywood? Talk about shameless.

Just when Meghan thought she could enjoy a peaceful 2024, her talent agency, WME, dropped her like a hot potato. It seems they’ve finally had enough of Meghan’s insatiable appetite for publicity. Can we really blame them? Meghan needs to face the music and admit she overplayed her hand. Sharp commentator Angela Levon noticed that Meghan’s name had mysteriously disappeared from the William Morris website, hinting at a possible quiet dismissal.

Meghan’s career journey in 2023 was as exciting as watching paint dry, especially since various award shows decided she didn’t deserve the recognition. Remember that ill-fated attempt at a career achievement award? Well, that blew up in Meghan’s face faster than you can say “Megxit.” Meanwhile, Ava DuVernay wins the Lens Style Master award for professional achievement at the OS Awards – a lesson in true talent and hard work. The Casting Society of America hails DuVernay as a visionary storyteller and champion of casting professionals, receiving accolades as Meghan’s career fades into obscurity.

But wait, there’s more. Meghan could also aim for this prize, fueled by her ambition. However, there is one small catch: she has yet to accomplish anything substantial in her career. If, by some miracle, she wins this prize, we can expect boycotts and trouble from the organizers. Meghan, darling, you can’t just buy your way to Hollywood stardom. Let’s be real for a moment. Meghan Markle’s Hollywood aspirations have been a disaster.

She wanted to be both a movie star and a princess while expecting the world to cater to her whims. Real life doesn’t work like that. Marrying into a certain lifestyle and then rebelling against its rules and obligations does not pave the way to an endearing, effortless existence. And let’s not forget his partner in crime, Prince Harry, or should we say, Big Baby Harry. These two seem determined to destroy anyone or anything in their path, emphasizing their entitlement and disconnection from reality.


Hey, I am Avijit... I am mostly addicted to films, music, cricket, and football—and not necessarily in that order....

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