a first lady with nothing to hide

The ex-model, born in Slovenia, is still accused of her almost pornographic nudity and of plagiarizing the speech of her predecessor at the White House, Michelle Obama.

Melania Trump, the cut-and-paste queen after plagiarizing Michelle Obama’s campaign speech, became the first lady of the United States this morning, a feat considering her Slovenian background and, more importantly, in such a conservative society. than the American, her pornographic past. The committed CV of the 46-year-old ex-model does not seem to have subtracted a single voice from her husband. Rather the opposite. Her low profile during the election campaign, where she limited herself to smiling in her role as a vase woman with a single intervention during a meeting, aroused the sympathy of a part of the female population who could see themselves reflected in comparison to the high intellectual level of Hillary Clinton, her husband’s defeated adversary.

Melanija Knavs, her real name, was born in the industrial town of Sevnica on April 26, 1970, under the former Yugoslav communist regime of Marshal Tito, which she always repudiated. Her father, Viktor Knavs, was a car salesman, as well as a member of the Slovenian Communist Party, and her mother, Amalia, worked in a textile factory. Her family lived in a modest building next to the primary school where she is still remembered today as a good student who, from an early age, dreamed of dedicating herself to the world of fashion. .

At 16, she moved to Ljubljana, the Slovenian capital, to begin her secondary studies until the day photographer Stane Jerko discovered her. She was born out of her modeling career, which she tried to reconcile with her studies. Impossible mission. Finally, she only studied one year of architecture license. Her sculptural body 1.80 meters tall and her beautiful blue eyes made her one of the most sought-after top models of the time, a regular on the catwalks in Paris or Milan, which is why in 1996 she decided to leave his native country. going to live in New York, on a work visa, in search of his particular American dream, appearing on the covers of fashion magazines as prestigious as ‘Vanity Fair’, ‘Vogue’ and ‘Elle’.

Captivated by her beauty

In 1998, Trump met her at a party in Manhattan and was captivated by her beauty, so from then on the recently estranged billionaire decided she should become his third wife despite being 24. years younger than the. And all this despite the fact that he was rejected after asking for her phone number since, according to the ex-model in an interview, the businessman was with another woman at the time. She gave the same Trump always gets what he wants and they started dating.

It is not known if Melania did not see much future in the relationship because she, in the year 2000, dared to pose naked for the British magazine ‘GQ’. Curiously, the photoshoot was done on the American millionaire’s private jet, a controversial decision that apparently didn’t stop the tycoon from asking his parents for her hand in 2004 in the restaurant of the Gran Toplice Bled hotel. , a luxury establishment. located in the Julian Alps, northwest of Slovenia.

luxury wedding

They ended up getting married on January 22, 2005 during a big wedding organized in Florida in the presence, who was going to say it, of Hillary Clinton herself, accompanied by her husband. The bride wore a $200,000 Dior dress. A year later, their common son, Barron Trump, who is now 10, was born.

Melania unconditionally supported her husband when he entered the race for the White House. Since last November, she has become his shadow, even if she did not hesitate to give media space to Ivanka, daughter of the billionaire’s first marriage and one of his main advisers. For his part, Trump, 69, has always done everything to appear at many electoral meetings with his beautiful wife, who has taken advantage of his past on the podiums. And she always responded with praise as when she said, with a foreign accent that he could not tame: “He will be the best president in history. I love you!”

Everything was going well for the former model until one fateful July 18, 2016, she read in the middle of the Republican convention a speech largely plagiarized from that delivered by Michelle Obama at the 2008 Democratic convention. The scandal was served . However, the couple’s reaction, joking about the issue and downplaying it, won sympathy from Americans. “Michelle Obama is giving a speech and everyone is praising it. It’s fantastic, they think it’s absolutely breathtaking. My wife is giving the exact same speech and people are criticizing her. I don’t understand,” said said the Republican nominee and many have forgiven the cut-and-paste. of what would be his future first lady, who is fluent in German, French, Italian and Serbo-Croatian. And it is that, according to the people of her closest entourage, Melania is a much more prepared woman than she could give the impression.

Defend her at all costs from her husband

Despite the blunder of her plagiarism, Melania was instrumental in defending her husband against accusations of rude and lewd treatment of women (more than a dozen have accused Trump of sexual harassment and even assault). Not in vain, the first lady has been married for 18 years with him, a respectable figure in a society like the United States, unaccustomed to marital stability due to the multiplication of various divorces. “My husband was tricked into making obscene comments,” “My husband is nice and a gentleman,” she said. And America believed it.

In this sense, Melania, who has declared herself an admirer of Reagan, represents a very important part of American society: housewives who do not work and who devote themselves body and soul to their families. Unsurprisingly, her husband said years ago that “having a working wife is a really bad idea, because if I come home and dinner isn’t there, I cry to heaven” or ” I’ve never changed my diaper, it’s a women’s thing”. Everything seems to indicate that the first lady fits this profile perfectly, especially when she now calls herself a defender of morality and good morals, at the same time as she promises to devote herself to causes of solidarity with the most deprived. “She is an impressive mother, an incredible woman”, says the new president of the United States.

The fact is that Melania became the second foreign lady of the United States after the British Louisa Adams, wife of the President of the United States, John Adams (1825-1829). Likewise, she is the first to have been raised in a country under a communist regime and to have been photographed naked. None of this matters anymore. Trump’s wife must now make people forget the incredible charisma of Michelle Obama, who shone with her own light during all the years of her husband’s mandate. Though after plagiarizing his speech, it seems like she won’t stand a chance of eclipsing him in her position as the wife of the most powerful man on the planet.


Hey, I am Avijit... I am mostly addicted to films, music, cricket, and football—and not necessarily in that order....

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