Why Emma Watson Refused To Film A Scene With Channing Tatum

Why Emma Watson refused to shoot a scene with Channing Tatum

Emma Watson is a remarkable actress and one of the most talented people working in Hollywood these days. And she definitely has a sense of humor, but there was apparently a line she wasn’t willing to cross in a movie from a few years ago. Apparently, she even left the set mid-stage because she thought things were getting a little too out of control for her tastes and sensibilities. According to an interview with Seth Rogen for GQ Magazine, there was one scene from This is the End that pushed Emma Watson too far.

Although she eventually appeared in the film, Emma Watson had a major problem with one of the scenes. It involved more than a few off-color components, so it’s not entirely clear what pushed her over the edge. Apparently, in the scene, it’s long after the kidnapping has taken the lives of many humans and the roving gangs of marauders begin to take over. Danny McBride leads a group of cannibals and drags Channing Tatum by a chain. He is dressed like the gimp from Pulp Fiction and is very well seen in a similar light.

According to Rogan, in the interview, Emma Watson apparently knew about the scene beforehand, but when she got her eye on the proceedings and was in the thick of it, she decided that she couldn’t be part of it. She told Rogen she wasn’t going to be able to do it and practically walked off set. Rogen isn’t shy about reminding people that it wasn’t a personal or professional rift between the two, but rather a conflict on this stage. Watson still had a role in the film and is part of an absolutely hilarious scene when she first stumbles into the house.

Ultimately, this ended up being the “big” movie moment for Emma Watson. But it’s funny to think that there could have been something even more wild and extravagant if the original idea had stuck and she could have seen the scene through to the end. It plays even better knowing that the actress is a bit straighter in lace.

Emma Watson and her involvement (or lack thereof) in This Is the End wasn’t the focal point but just another surprise in an awesome and hilarious ensemble film. Seth Rogen and company called out all the comedic markers on this one and it was just stuffed full of popular faces. The movie had a completely different feel, with everyone playing their own Hollywood character and finding out what happens at the end of the world. There was a reason it was a hit at the box office and with critics as well.


Hey, I am Avijit... I am mostly addicted to films, music, cricket, and football—and not necessarily in that order....

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