Who are the parents of Edwin Chilova, Peter and Pfalzgraf? Family origin and net worth

Edwin Chilova is a famous designer, model and LGBT activist. Edwin was born to parents Peter and Pfalzgraf.

The famous designer was born in 1998 and lasted until January 1, 2023. Although he does not serve his design skills, he won the hearts of many people with his outstanding modeling talents.

Edwin was born in Africa, where he lived with his relative since his parents died when he was very young. The well-known model enrolled at Moi University’s West Campus for his higher education and university degree.

Despite living in an underdeveloped country, the well-known model gained millions of fans and followers. He was very close to continuing his career better; Sadly, Edwin is no longer with us.

LGBT activist Edwin Chilova Parents: Peter and Pfalzgraf

Chilova was an adopted child of parents named Peter and Donna Pfeltzgraf. Besides being an adopted child, his parents were very supportive and loved to pursue his career. His parents never made him feel like step-parents.

Edwin Chilova’s step parents kiss Edwin and show love and affection. (source: the star)

The death of the famous model caused enormous trouble for his step-parents, as they loved him so much. Peter, on his Facebook, posted a photo with the caption “Edwin, we love you.”

Talking about their careers, Donna Pfalzgraf is a businesswoman who currently works at Grace & Faith Family Ministries, Int. She worked for more than 16 years. At the same time, Peter’s profession still needs to be discovered.

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What ancestry do Edwin Chilova’s parents belong to?

The famous designer Edwin comes from Africa, while his parents are more likely to mix Japan and China. Despite this, there is no factual information about their ethnic origin.

Similarly, Edwin’s father, Peter Pfaltzgraff, was born on May 20, 1858, in San Diego, California, and Peter is now 68. At the same time, my mother came from Japan and was born in the early 1990s.

Edwin Chilova with his parents
Edwin Chilova with his happy parents. (source: feeding)

The saddest part for the stepparents is losing their adopted child Edwin. They are adults and live under the fear of losing their son, which has become a reality.

Edwin Chiluba owns a considerable amount

Edwin was a multi-talented guy who served various professions such as design and modeling. He also has a net worth of millions, but other sites need factual details.

The handsome guy Edwin Chiloba
Edwin Chilova is wearing a brown blazer in this photo. (source: And it will be told)

Being a multi-professional, he might have earned millions, which is still being investigated by the media. Despite this, he may live a life of luxury without financial problems except for personal reasons.

LGBT star Edwin may have various sponsors to increase his income. A family of three lives in their own house. He used to live in luxury with his step parents in California.

What is the cause of Edwin’s death?

Edwin Chiluba’s body was found at the Moi Referral Hospital mortuary in Eldoret, and his family must have been there to identify him. After receiving the news of his death, all his relatives came to visit crying.

Similarly, his relatives and sister Melvin Faith immediately took his body back to Kenya. But, there is no factual information about the cause of his death.

Maybe due to depression, he lost his biological parents early in life, or maybe there are personal reasons.

Edwin Chilova in a white hat.
Edwin Chilova is wearing a white sweater and brown glasses. (Source: KISSFM)

Similarly, he showed up for the New Year celebration at 10pm with an unknown friend. So, he/she may be the cause of his/her death.

According to the sourceWikipedia, his dead body was found with his eyes cut out with a metal rod on the side of the road near Eldoret. Seeing his body, the police were shocked, and the officers reported that it had been hit by a truck whose driver did not have a driver’s license.

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