‘Too Busy’ for Golden Globes? Yeah, Right!

In a surprising turn of events, Meghan Markle, the Duchess of Sussex, made a predictable attempt to applaud Golden Globes organizers for not extending an invitation to her. Markle claims she was indeed invited but had a prior commitment that prevented her from attending. It was obvious that Markle would not let this snub go unanswered. After seeing her former “Suits” co-stars reunite at the prestigious event and receiving positive media attention, Markle now claims she received an invitation but unfortunately declined due to conflicting commitments.

It is not surprising, however, that this claim arouses skepticism. It’s hard to believe that Markle would prioritize an engagement over an event that she’s undoubtedly looking forward to attending. Her desire for recognition and media coverage is obvious, especially given the lack of positive press surrounding her and Prince Harry as of late. The rejection and exclusion she experienced at the Golden Globes likely stung her, prompting her to speak out and present her side of the story, which often seems fictionalized.

It’s worth noting the irony of Markle’s previous claim that she couldn’t attend the Golden Globes due to increased security concerns. Today, she cites a scheduling conflict as the reason for her absence. These conflicting accounts only further highlight Markle’s tendency to create unnecessary problems for herself. Instead of graciously accepting the snub, she insists on sharing her point of view, which is often met with disbelief due to its questionable nature. This is reminiscent of the Spotify incident, in which she and Prince Harry parted ways with the platform, saying it was a mutual decision, which few people believed.

Page Six’s article on the subject headlines “Meghan Markle Turned Down ‘Suits’ Reunion at Golden Globes,” which in itself invites skepticism. Markle’s refusal of a ‘Suits’ reunion raises questions about her motivations and priorities. Given her desperate quest for publicity, it’s difficult to understand why she would pass up such an opportunity. According to an insider, apparently Markle herself or someone claiming to be a Golden Globes insider, Markle declined the invitation due to a prior engagement.

One cannot help but wonder what that prior commitment might have been. Speculation ranges from mundane tasks like onion processing or indulging one’s affinity for milkshakes to more far-fetched scenarios involving invisible children or fictionalized incidents of Doria’s arrest. Nonetheless, it’s clear that Markle’s absence from the event is incongruous with her character. It’s the kind of event she’s dreamed of being a part of, as evidenced by her previous claims of being a presenter at the Oscars.

Interestingly, the reporting surrounding this Golden Globes saga conspicuously omits any mention of Prince Harry. It’s assumed that only Markle would be concerned about declining the invitation, while Harry’s indifference is taken for granted. Harry has never shown much interest in the Hollywood lifestyle that Markle seems so obsessed with. Whenever she drags him to events, he seems disinterested and detached, while Markle exudes enthusiasm. It’s possible they are living separate lives, a speculation bolstered by the absence of Harry’s name alongside Markle’s in recent reports.

All of these factors contribute to the growing belief that Markle and Harry’s marriage is in jeopardy or potentially already dissolving. The fact that the media treats them as separate entities, rather than the inseparable duo they once claimed to be, gives an indication of the underlying problems. Even though the truth remains hidden, a closer look at the situation suggests that Markle’s divorce from the royal family may not be amicable. Harry will likely protect his assets and Markle will work to keep them as secure as possible. Ultimately, the influence and power of the royal family overshadows Markle’s aspirations, and she is doomed to face significant setbacks. However, his relentless pursuit of personal goals, coupled with a lack of consideration for others, only compounded his problems. It seems Markle is reaping what she sows.

As opinions about Markle’s claim that she’s too busy for the Golden Globes continue to circulate, it’s essential to consider the broader narrative and behavioral patterns displayed by the Duchess of Sussex.


Hey, I am Avijit... I am mostly addicted to films, music, cricket, and football—and not necessarily in that order....

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