The scene in which she was naked for 17 hours with 30 men and the slap of Leo Di Caprio: Margot Robbie’s bad experience in The Wolf of Wall Street

The scene in which she was naked for 17 hours with 30 men and the slap of Leo Di Caprio: Margot Robbie’s bad experience in The Wolf of Wall Street

She landed the role in the hit film by Martin Scorsese with a daring move. However, she has the worst memories of the shoot. “I didn’t know you could say, ‘I was sexually harassed’ without anyone touching you,” she later revealed.

Behind any cinematic success, there are hours of work, predisposition and concentration. A team that is on the same path towards a common goal. Between the two, performers who leave the skin and much more so that what is then seen on the screen is as effective as possible. Achieving this for the vast majority means immediate glory, then going for eternal glory.

If you want to continue rising through the ranks in an industry like Hollywood, which almost all actors aim to achieve, getting started on the right foot is essential. There is usually no second chance, beyond specific situations which are now irrelevant. Against this background, who has done it all – and by her own merit continues to rise – is Margot Robbie.

At 30, she carries an exquisite journey on her shoulders. Roles that catapulted her away from her, placing her at the top. In 2008, while parading on the best catwalks in the world as a model, her other passion, the Australian she made her acting debut with small appearances, but already leaving a trademark. Although the exact time she first became known to moviegoers around the world was in 2013. Her relentless role in The Wolf of Wall Street was before and after the big screen, the starting point for achieving consecration and being what it was. is today: a figure in the entertainment industry.

The scene in which she was naked for 17 hours with 30 men and the slap of Leo Di Caprio: Margot Robbie's bad experience in The Wolf of Wall Street

However, it was not easy for Margot. During the filming of her, there were specific scenes that made her think about how intrusive a job can be. Now, seven years after the film starring Leonardo DiCaprio debuted, details of the recording days have been revealed which, due to the trauma, the actress remembers in detail.

The box office film ($ 392 million gross) was inspired by stockbroker Jordan Belfort, who ran one of the biggest money scams in the United States. His ability to manipulate the market and make huge profits, money laundering, etc., made the courts look down on him. After prison, in 2008, she was released, began to write a book about her life, and ended up allowing the making of the film of this story that we tell.

In The Wolf of Wall Street, Margot Robbie played Noami Lapaglia. She was first the mistress of Belfort (Di Caprio), then she became his wife. Throughout the film, the Australian had to deal with risky scenes and others of abuse, disappointment and violence. However, what traumatized her the most was her erotic streak: she had to dress herself and deal with the environment and the work team.

Director Martín Scorsese has confessed that he hired her for the role of her for an unexpected act of bravery during his first audition. From what they said, she Margot improvised a scene that was not in the script, leaving the whole room with their mouths open. She “she slapped Di Caprio in the face, it wasn’t in the script. It was an improvisation that we thought was wonderful, and we even included it in the script, ”Scorsese remarked.

The press consulted her on this event: she Margot replied that she was doing everything herself to captivate and be hired. Then she added one of her maxims: “If you don’t do something awesome, nothing will ever come out. If this is a once in a lifetime opportunity, then grab it. Maybe I should have kissed him … When will I have the chance to kiss Leo Di Caprio? But when the slap happened, the other part of my brain clicked! And I hit Di Caprio in the face ”.

An anecdote which tells with grace and which portrays his desire to surpass himself to reach the goal. Words that mix between enthusiasm to make the world leap and show that it can be on par with the best in Hollywood. But that smile would go away later. And years later, she would dare to speak of her suffering.

The trauma that haunts her

Speaking of El Lobo …, she focused on when her character tries to seduce Leo’s in her daughter’s bedroom. “It doesn’t show up when you watch the movie, the audience doesn’t see it, but we’re actually in a small room with 30 crew members. All men. For 17 hours, I pretended to touch myself “, she commented in an interview with Porter magazine, and immediately opened the controversy.

The scene in which she was naked for 17 hours with 30 men and the slap of Leo Di Caprio: Margot Robbie's bad experience in The Wolf of Wall Street

About those statements Margot made with annoyance on her shoulders for what she faced while filming the film which, paradoxically, opened the doors to stardom, a lot has been said in the press. It was said that it was not supported by production, and it was argued that for this type of scripts, another harmony should be generated in the film sets. Greater care for actresses. His testimony led several production companies to take this into account.

For now, she is referring to how she felt that day and everything she had to put aside to move forward without being affected: “It’s a very strange thing, you have to bury the shame and what seems absurd to you … It was really uncomfortable, deeply and completely engaged ”.

It was she herself who spoke about sexual harassment. She said that after that she was able to realize what it really means, feeling it firsthand. “I’m almost twenty years old, I have studies, I have everything, I have worked, I have my own business. And she (though) she didn’t know what the bullying thing was. It’s crazy. She didn’t know you could say, “I was sexually harassed” without anyone touching you. That you might say, “It’s not fair.” I had no idea…”.

“Now I know what it is because as a result of the scenes I investigated what sexual harassment is, how to be discriminated against because of your job or financially. a moment in my life, now that I think about it and know what it is, ”Robbie noted.

The scene in which she was naked for 17 hours with 30 men and the slap of Leo Di Caprio: Margot Robbie's bad experience in The Wolf of Wall Street

Returning to that moment when she felt perplexed about having to be naked and fake a sexual act in front of many people staring at her, she recounted part of her ritual so that she could do it without being ashamed. Years later, in another interview – this time for The New York Times – she said: “That morning when I went to work I knew I had to do this scene, I was shaking, I was scared. , all the time I thought I wasn’t going to be able to do it.. When I got there, when it was my turn to do it, I drank three shots of tequila then I took off my clothes and I did. I was fine. It really helped keep my hands from shaking and gave me a bit of self-confidence. ”

In another stage of her life, already imbued with her auspicious present, Margot Robbie relishes what she touches him. What she saw, she remembers as an episode that she went through thanks to talking about it with the right people. And today is history. For now, she is about to put herself in the shoes of Barbie, a movie based on the famous doll. And she is already clear that she will never accept certain situations again.


Hey, I am Avijit... I am mostly addicted to films, music, cricket, and football—and not necessarily in that order....

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