Sorrowful Plea to Return to UK

Prince Harry and Meghan Markle are embarking on a significant transformation, recognizing that their current brand faces challenges. The next 12 months promise seismic change for the couple as their Sussex brand appears to be faltering, according to reports from a crisis expert. Last year, the Californian duo surprised the royal family with Duke’s Memoir and their latest book, “Endgame,” written by their friend Omed Scobby. Relations between the Sussexes and company staff have deteriorated since King Charles failed to meet his grandchildren, Lily Beth and Archie, in 2023.

Prince Harry, 39, and Meghan, 42, are considering a new approach to business and family in 2024, with Meghan expressing interest in a career in Hollywood. Crisis manager Mark Borovski highlighted the importance of the coming year for the royal couple, saying: “I think 2024 is going to be a huge year because they’re going to do something to bounce back and find new positive tactics, or else it will be the end of the brand.” He stressed the need for change, saying they cannot stay where they are because the current approach is clearly not working.

It’s been almost four years since Prince Harry and Meghan Markle abruptly resigned from their royal duties. The past 12 months have been eventful, marked by the controversial release of Harry’s Memoirs, their exit from a multi-million dollar deal with Spotify, the success of Prince Harry’s Invictus Games and rumors that Meghan is relaunching her lifestyle blog , The Tig.

As 2024 approaches, experts suggest the only way forward for the couple, dubbed “brutal losers” by The Hollywood Reporter, is to leverage their weaknesses to their advantage. Royal expert and historian Dr. Tessa Dunlop pointed out that being called a loser by the Hollywood Reporter may not be entirely negative. The article acknowledges that it is better to face scorn and ridicule than to attend more than 200 official royal family meetings. Essentially, even though Harry and Meghan endure the stress of celebrity life, it is deemed better than the restrictive environment they left behind. The path to freedom can be difficult, but being featured alongside Hollywood giants like Marvel and Disney is considered a compliment to a couple who are forging their own path.


Hey, I am Avijit... I am mostly addicted to films, music, cricket, and football—and not necessarily in that order....

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