Scandalous photo of Angelina Jolie up for auction

A picture of Angelina Jolie at 25, topless and with a horse, taken by David LaChapelle, could bring in $53,000

Mexico DF. A photograph of 25-year-old Angelina Jolie, topless and with a horse, taken by David LaChapelle, will be auctioned at Christie’s in London and could fetch $53,000, according to the British tabloid Daily Mail.

THE scandalous the image of the horse licking the American actress’s breasts was taken in 2001 for a session of Rolling Stone magazine. scandalous photo of Pretty Angelina at auction

The color photo shows a smile Angelina Jolie, then 25 (now 37), holding the horse while covering her breasts and also showing off the famous Billy Bob tattoo he got in honor of her then-husband. , Billy Bob Thorton.

Scandalous photo of Angelina Jolie up for auction

Another black-and-white image of Jolie and Brad Pitt posing as photographer Steven Klein’s wife and husband in 2005, which was spotted in W magazine before the duo became a couple, is also up for grabs. auction and should be in sight. . reach $15,000.


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