Restricted by Prince William from Major Royal Event

An incident involving Princess Kate’s hair during a royal outing prompted a security guard to quickly intervene. Princess Kate appeared unfazed when an overzealous fan got a little too close for comfort, though security quickly responded.

Princess Kate’s gorgeous brown hair is the envy of royal fans everywhere and is one of her most iconic features. However, they almost caused a serious accident last year when she and Prince William took a walk in Windsor. An eagle-eyed American fan wanted to take a selfie with Kate. The princess indulged in the photo, but the woman got a little excited and ended up grabbing a handful of Kate’s hair. Fortunately, security quickly intervened to handle the situation.

After the incident, Kate appeared unfazed and continued to meet and greet members of the audience. She graciously told the fan, “Nice to meet you,” and the woman quickly apologized to the security guard.

During the same engagement, Kate showed her compassionate side by comforting a crying little girl. The Mirror reported that the girl’s day brightened considerably when the princess gave her a long hug and crouched down to chat with her, making sure she was feeling better.

Kate Middleton has not attended any royal engagements since the start of the year, as she is currently undergoing preventative chemotherapy after announcing her cancer diagnosis in March. As a result, she will not be able to attend rehearsals for Trooping the Colour on June 8 and is unlikely to take part in the event alongside other members of the royal family on June 15. Traditionally, as Colonel of the Irish Guards, she salutes during the Colonel’s Review, a preparatory drill conducted before the main event.

Lieutenant General James Bucknell KCB CB, who was to replace the princess, shared a heartfelt message upon learning that she would not be attending the ceremony. “We completely understand, and our thoughts and best wishes are with Her Royal Highness, The Princess of Wales,” he sympathetically told The Sun. “We are even more determined to make the colonel’s review the best of his life. We are very proud to have the Princess of Wales as Colonel of the Irish Guards. »

The official celebration of King Charles’ Birthday Parade will take place on June 15, marking one of the largest military celebrations of the year. It will feature around 1,600 soldiers, 400 musicians and 200 horses, and will conclude with an RAF air show over Buckingham Palace.


Hey, I am Avijit... I am mostly addicted to films, music, cricket, and football—and not necessarily in that order....

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