Prince Harry’s Unintended Revelation Raises Concerns for Meghan Markle and Ethereal Children Archie & Lili

Didn’t Harry and Meghan leave the United Kingdom to escape the control of the royal family? Were they not seeking refuge in the United States for a life of peace and privacy? Well, friends, it seems that even on the other side of the Atlantic, their actions are not without consequences.

It all started with Harry’s memoir, in which he openly discussed his history with drugs. And here’s the thing: Lady Colin Campbell, a respected figure, suggests that the Heritage Foundation is pressuring the Biden administration to investigate Harry’s visa records for any discrepancies regarding his drug use. If they discover something wrong, the consequences for Harry could be catastrophic.

Some may say that the Biden administration wouldn’t dare touch a member of the royal family. But let me tell you, the political landscape is unpredictable. While Harry may be safe for now, who knows what could happen in the future?

And let’s not forget Meghan and Harry’s children, Archie and Lilibet. Rumors are circulating that there is no solid proof of their existence beyond Meghan’s claims. Are they real or just pawns in Meghan’s game for attention and influence?


Hey, I am Avijit... I am mostly addicted to films, music, cricket, and football—and not necessarily in that order....

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