Prince Harry’s Outburst at Meghan Markle as She Allegedly Humiliates and Plays Victim Games Against William and Kate on Live Stage

Today, Oprah Winfrey's groundbreaking interview with the Sussexes was truly an emotional spectacle, especially with Meghan Markle claiming she was silenced despite being a working member of the royal family. The story she told about feeling muzzled resonated with many, portraying her as a victim yearning for independence and the freedom to express herself. However, the bombshell we're about to uncover calls into question the timeline of Meghan's claims. In a 2021 interview widely cited as the first example of Meghan expressing her feelings of silence within the royal family, a writer claims that Meghan had actually questioned her lack of voice years before.

According to journalist Sarah Sans, during an event involving the “Fab Four” – William, Kate, Harry and Meghan – Meghan made an offensive remark under her breath, audible to those around her, muttering “I have no voice “. as the microphone was passed from William to Kate and finally Harry. Sans paints a picture of Meghan feeling subjugated and prevented from speaking out, indicating that the supposedly harmonious portrayal of the royal family's dynamics had broken down when Meghan questioned her voice. This feeling, Sans suggests, was further exacerbated by Meghan's experience of dating in Britain, which she perceived as a suppression of her voice.

Fast forward to the present, Meghan and Harry's lucrative deal with Netflix is ​​being touted as their ultimate victory — a platform that needs to be heard loud and clear. The £130 million deal announced in 2020 gave them the opportunity to produce documentaries and shows for the streaming giant, including a six-part documentary exploring their love story and royal exit. However, controversy surrounds the alleged failure to inform the Queen of their plans.

A royal source claims the Queen learned details of the Netflix deal not directly from Meghan and Harry, but from her aides. The source suggests that the Queen, understanding Harry's ways, knew that the Duke and Duchess were adamant in their decisions, regardless of royal protocols.

What we are witnessing here is a pattern of behavior, an alleged story of Meghan questioning her voice, feeling silenced and now, in the eyes of some, exploiting her new platform to settle scores and play the card. victim. The contradiction between Meghan's claims of silence and her behind-the-scenes actions raises serious questions about the authenticity of her account.

As we navigate this murky terrain, it is essential to question the motivations behind Meghan and Harry's actions. Are they truly seeking independence, or are they capitalizing on their royal names and crafting a narrative that fits their image? The seemingly unchecked pursuit of personal gain without regard for traditional protocols is fueling the controversy surrounding this high-profile couple.

The revelations surrounding Meghan's alleged outbursts during the Fab Four broadcast and subsequent deal with Netflix have cast a shadow over the Duke and Duchess of Sussex's carefully constructed narrative. The contradictions in Meghan's expressions of victimhood and her behind-the-scenes actions force us to question the authenticity of their story.

As news consumers, it is crucial to sift through the sensationalism and discern the reality behind this carefully orchestrated spectacle. The truth, often elusive, deserves to be sought and understood beyond the glitz and glamor of celebrity stories.


Hey, I am Avijit... I am mostly addicted to films, music, cricket, and football—and not necessarily in that order....

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