Prince Harry was ‘seeking’ beauty when he saw Meghan Markle

Prince Harry talks about his first glimpse of Meghan Markle. Prince Harry talks about laying eyes on Meghan Markle for the first time.

The Duke of Sussex saw the ‘Suits’ star on the Instagram page of one of their mutual friends and couldn’t help but message her.

He writes in his memoirs “Spare”: “I had never seen anyone so beautiful. Why should beauty feel like a punch in the throat? Does it have something to do with our innate human desire for order? Isn’t that what the scientists say? And the artists?

He added: “That beauty is symmetry and therefore represents relief from chaos? Admittedly, my life at this point had been chaotic. I can’t deny craving order, I can’t deny looking for a little beauty.

Prince Harry’s memoirs are now available in stores.


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