On a busy day at a charity polo match in Palm Beach, Miami, Prince Harry and Meghan Markle were spotted together, accompanied by a Netflix film crew. The couple, who recently signed a deal with Netflix, were taking part in the Royal Salute Polo challenge, part of their upcoming polo-themed show for the streaming platform. The presence of the cameras added an extra layer of excitement to the event.
The star-studded gathering saw tennis legend Serena Williams join the duo. Serena, a close friend of Meghan, watched the matches from the team tent and later accompanied Meghan onto the field for the trophy ceremony. The three women looked happy and content after a long day of enjoying polo matches under the hot sun.
Interestingly, a source close to Serena Williams’ mother, Oracene Price, revealed that Meghan allegedly paid $2,000 to secure Serena’s presence at the event. According to reports, Serena’s presence was orchestrated by Megan’s PR agency, WME, in order to support Meghan and attract media attention. However, despite their on-camera interactions, insiders claimed Serena’s involvement was more transactional than truly rooted in friendship.
Cameras captured Serena’s discomfort and apparent unfamiliarity with the polo match, as she seemed somewhat lost during the event. The source further suggested that Serena’s participation was mainly related to the charitable nature of the polo match and the publicity it could generate. The insider described their friendship as “very transactional,” with Serena’s presence serving as a way to promote the polo event and connect with other polo wives.
While Megan’s involvement in the polo documentary was evident, with the awards ceremony taking place on stage, body language expert Judy James noted a difference in confidence between Meghan and Prince Harry. James observed that Harry seemed comfortable in his element, while Meghan seemed slightly less confident, particularly in the paddock before the start of the match. His crossed arms and dependence on Harry were interpreted as signs of slightly diminished confidence.
The general scene of the polo match captured the attention and curiosity of spectators, with the presence of Netflix cameras adding an intriguing dimension to the proceedings. Despite the scrutiny and controversy surrounding the event, it remains to be seen how the footage will be presented in their upcoming Netflix show.