Netflix Rejects Prince Harry and Meghan Markle’s Project Rumors

The Sussexes, once considered the power couple of reality TV, have been dealt a major setback. Netflix has definitively refused to greenlight Prince Harry and Meghan Markle’s highly anticipated cooking show and polo series. The abrupt decision has sent shockwaves through the entertainment industry and sparked a new wave of criticism directed at the Duchess of Sussex.

Meghan Markle, known for her sophisticated, food-loving persona, has developed a public image as a modern-day Martha Stewart. From her meticulously curated Instagram account to her alleged passion for food, the former actress seemed like a natural fit for a cooking show, a platform to showcase her culinary talents and build her brand. However, Netflix, known for its discerning taste in content, apparently saw through this carefully constructed façade.

The streaming giant’s rejection of the cooking show suggests that Meghan Markle’s appeal may be waning. Public interest in the duchess’s meticulously curated life appears to be fading, and Netflix, ever attuned to public sentiment, has chosen to distance itself from a potentially toxic brand.

While the cooking show’s rejection is a blow, it’s the polo series’ rejection that really highlights the couple’s disconnect from reality. Harry, a seasoned polo player, could have imagined a show that would showcase his athleticism and the glamorous world of the sport. However, Netflix seems to prefer content that resonates with a broader audience. Polo, despite its excitement and elegance, remains a niche sport with limited mainstream appeal.

The Sussexes’ quest for high-profile projects reflects their desire for financial independence and global fame. Yet Netflix’s decision to cancel both projects raises serious questions about the couple’s ability to deliver content that meets the platform’s stringent standards. With these setbacks, the Sussexes find themselves at a critical juncture. They must now reevaluate their strategy and consider projects that are more grounded in reality and less focused on personal branding.

The public’s appetite for their polished lifestyle is waning, and continued efforts to maintain that image could prove costly. It remains to be seen how the Sussexes will respond to this major setback. Will they step back from the spotlight to focus on building a more authentic public image, or will they redouble their efforts to create a reality TV empire? Only time will tell.


Hey, I am Avijit... I am mostly addicted to films, music, cricket, and football—and not necessarily in that order....

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