Miley Cyrus smokes suspicious cigarette on stage(Photo)

Miley Cyrus smokes a suspicious cigarette on stage (Photo)

Pop star Miley Cyrus sparked more controversy – lighting a suspicious cigarette on stage at the MTV European Music Awards (EMA) in Amsterdam.

The star, who was criticized for her provocative performance at the Video Music Awards in September, pulled the hand-rolled cigarette out of her purse after receiving the award for Best Video from Ron Burgundy.

Although the contents of the cigarette are not known, the former Disney star previously told Rolling Stone magazine that marijuana was “the best drug in the world.”

Miley Cyrus smokes a suspicious cigarette on stage (Photo)

Marijuana is not legal in the Netherlands, but smokers cannot be prosecuted for possession of small amounts and it is sold openly in special cafes called “cafes”.


Hey, I am Avijit... I am mostly addicted to films, music, cricket, and football—and not necessarily in that order....

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