Melania Trump doesn’t want to be first lady again

Melania Trump no longer wants to be first lady

Ex-president’s wife has only been seen publicly once this summer: ‘The more private, the better’

Melania Trump, the wife of former US President Donald Trump (2017-2021), does not aspire to become the country’s first lady again, a chapter she considers “finished”, CNN revealed on Sunday.

“Being first lady again is not what she wants,” said one of the people CNN spoke to, who the outlet said had a close relationship with the former first lady during his stay at the White House. “For her,” the source added, “it was a chapter – and it’s over, and that’s it.”

The news version pointed out that Trump’s wife was only seen publicly once this summer, when she left Trump Tower in New York last July with their son, Barron. She’s also been featured in a few Instagram posts from people who spotted her at Trump’s golf club in Bedminster, New Jersey.

Describing her reserved style, another person consulted by CNN said the former first lady will not be seen “at campaign rallies or events” even if Trump runs for another presidential term. This role would be assumed, according to this unidentified person, Lara Trump, the wife of Eric, the third of the children of Trump, or Kimberly Guilfoyle, girlfriend of the eldest of the offspring of the former president, Donald Trump Jr. .

And Melania Trump’s absence from public rallies and events seems to have been normalized by the Republican leader’s supporters. “The thing is, his base got used to not having him there,” said a political operator who worked with the former president during his tenure.

For now, the former first lady’s life is private, CNN noted, which, according to another person who has known her socially for more than a decade, “that’s how she likes it. “. “The more private it is and it’s not in the public eye, the better,” she added.

Last February, Melania Trump announced on Twitter the opening of her office. This space is operated from Palm Beach (Florida) with a team of three full-time employees, added CNN, citing “three people who know” the subject.


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