Meghan Markle Thrown in the Trash by British Amidst Infamous Behavior

The results of a recent poll shed light on the British public’s sentiment towards Meghan Markle, suggesting that a significant majority, 96.69%, would not welcome her return to the UK. This stands in stark contrast to the warm reception she received when she married Prince Harry, with many celebrating their union as a step towards modernizing the monarchy.

However, that goodwill evaporated when Meghan and Harry opted out of royal duties, moved to the United States and publicly aired their grievances against the royal family. Their accusations of mistreatment and racism within the royal household have left a bitter taste, leading to their rejection by a significant part of the British public.

From the American perspective, this was a disconcerting turn of events. Many admired Queen Elizabeth II for her dignified response to the situation, which only enhanced the reputation of the royal family. It became increasingly clear that the public respected the monarchy more than Meghan and Harry themselves.

Nonetheless, Meghan’s actions, like her recent documentary, have left a lasting negative impression on many, even outside Britain. The lack of respect shown towards the late Queen Elizabeth II during the documentary was particularly troubling.

It should be noted that even though Meghan was able to attract a lot of attention and wealth through her actions, she was not successful in her mission to dismantle the monarchy. Instead, she walked away from the royal family, leaving Prince Harry in a situation that many consider to be in control of her.

Harry’s role in these events is also highly criticized, as he was born into a privileged background and knew the importance of his family’s reputation. Yet he chose to fall in line with Meghan’s actions, causing havoc and pain within the family and the public.

It’s clear that Meghan Markle’s behavior has been a long-standing issue, from her early days through her actions within the Royal Family. Many who met her throughout her life felt wronged by her, and her behavior appears to have continued through her marriage to Harry.

The British public’s reaction to Meghan Markle’s behavior, as reflected in the survey, underscores the lasting impact of her actions and the importance of upholding the dignity and traditions of the monarchy. While Meghan may have garnered attention, she has failed in her mission to overthrow the monarchy and her behavior has left a trail of criticism and disappointment behind.

Harry seemed content and genuinely happy in the past, especially in the company of William, Catherine and the late Queen. Prior to his marriage to Meghan, many video clips captured his joyful moments. However, it is hard to believe that his situation was as dire as he claims in his book.

What’s particularly troubling is his decision to involve his young niece, who was probably only six years old when he started writing the book and seven when it was published. Dragging children into conflicts between adults is unforgivable.

Harry’s concerns about Archie and Louis being “spare parts” in the royal family also raise questions about his intentions. In some ways, his actions and words are just as problematic as Meghan’s.

It should be noted that Meghan is an actress and has the ability to present herself in different ways, which makes it difficult to discern her true point of view. Many believe they had to make up royal family stories to secure lucrative deals with Netflix, Spotify and Penguin Random House.

Ultimately, Harry and Meghan’s behavior on two royal tours was less than ideal. Meghan came across as ungrateful, arrogant, selfish and elitist. Harry’s inability to remedy his behavior is a significant problem.

Their tendency to lie, half-truths, exaggerate, manipulate and accuse is clear to many observers. They seem to lack remorse for their actions and seem to believe that people will buy into their narrative, despite evidence to the contrary.

Although no one wishes them harm, there are many who hope that they will finally step back from the spotlight and stop seeking attention. There were even rumors that they were planning to buy an island to rule there as king and queen, but their resources may not allow such an adventure.

Ultimately, it’s a desire to break away from their constant presence in the public eye, rather than any ill will, that drives these feelings.


Hey, I am Avijit... I am mostly addicted to films, music, cricket, and football—and not necessarily in that order....

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