Meghan Markle Rages as KC Refuses to Pay for Overpriced Malibu House, Detecting Devious Plan

Prince Harry and Meghan have been in talks about acquiring a coastal
property on the outskirts of central Los Angeles, a location highly favored by
prominent Hollywood figures and tech giants. 

The couple is currently in the initial stages of looking for a mansion in
Malibu, known as one of the most desirable areas in the United States. 

This picturesque region is home to some of the biggest stars on the planet,
including Simon Cowell, Cher, Lady Gaga, Leonardo DiCaprio, Miley Cyrus, and
Charlize Theron.

One of the key factors driving their search is the area’s proximity to Central
LA and Beverly Hills, both less than an hour away. This is a stark contrast to
their current situation, where trips from their Montecito estate to the City
of Angels can take over three hours during rush hour.

Another significant factor influencing their decision is Meghan’s recent move
to be represented by powerhouse agent Ari Emmanuel of William Morris Endeavor
(WME) talent agency. With ambitions to expand her media profile as a producer,
philanthropist, and content creator, Meghan seeks to leverage Emmanuel’s
connections and expertise in Tinseltown.

Sources reveal that Harry and Meghan have been discreetly exploring the Malibu
area on multiple occasions, carefully considering their options. Meghan, in
particular, has a sense of familiarity with parts of the region from her

As the couple’s focus shifts back to Hollywood with their affiliation with
WME, questions arise regarding their financial capacity to afford a house in
Malibu. Having cut ties with contracts from Spotify, Dior, and other brands,
the origin of their funds remains a subject of curiosity. The only financial
support they received was from senior Royals, and they plan to relinquish the
Sovereign Grant money, which reportedly constitutes a small percentage of
their funding.

There were indications that they hoped their association with the Hollywood
Elite in Montecito would enable them to ride on Charles’ coattails and secure
lucrative deals, leveraging their titles for financial gain. However, a source
close to King Charles revealed that Harry approached William to seek financial
assistance for the overpriced Malibu house, but the King refused, leading them
to rethink their financial plans.

While Harry initially received the full amount from the Sovereign Grant in the
first transition year, his expectations for a similar amount in the second
year were not met. This created discontent, and his subsequent public
statements on Oprah’s show backfired, failing to pressure Charles into
providing further financial support.

As their deals fell through, and invitations from the true A-list Hollywood
crowd remained elusive, Harry and Meghan face uncertainties in maintaining
their lifestyle outside the royal fold. Ultimately, the financial support they
once relied upon seems to be dwindling, and they now confront the challenges
of establishing their footing in Hollywood’s competitive landscape.


Hey, I am Avijit... I am mostly addicted to films, music, cricket, and football—and not necessarily in that order....

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