Meghan Markle Gets Dragged Off Green Carpet Fashion Award Stage by Zendaya After Uninvited Appearance

Meghan Markle, the former actress and current wife of Prince Harry, caused a stir at the Green Carpet Fashion Awards in Los Angeles on Wednesday evening. Uninvited, she made an unexpected appearance, attempting to steal the spotlight from event co-chair Zendaya. The Duchess of Sussex, who now resides in California with her family after stepping back from royal duties, apparently wanted to take part in the prestigious awards ceremony honoring sustainable and ethical fashion. However, her plans went awry when Zendaya, the 27-year-old star of “Dune” and “Euphoria,” faced Megan's intrusion and asked her to leave the stage.

Eyewitnesses reported Meghan arriving at the One Hotel West Hollywood, where the event took place, wearing a recycled Valentino dress that she had previously worn to a charity event in 2019. Despite the absence invitation or official role, Megan managed to bypass security and the media, finding her way on stage as Zendaya prepared to present the final award of the evening.

Trying to blend in, Megan grabbed Zendaya's mic, giving a speech about sustainability and social justice. However, Zendaya, visibly annoyed and confused by Megan's presence, intervened, politely but firmly asking her to return the mic and leave the stage. As Zendaya escorted Meghan off the stage, the audience applauded, while the honoree, Vanessa Nate, looked on perplexed at the disruption.

Meghan's attempt to save face by smiling and waving to the cameras proved futile. Instead, she was subjected to mockery and criticism on social media and in the press. Many condemned his actions as rude and disrespectful, accusing him of trying to hijack the event for self-promotion. Critics questioned her motives and qualifications for attending a fashion event, pointing out her past controversies and contrasting her behavior with that of her sister-in-law, Kate Middleton, known for her stylish and eco-friendly fashion choices. environment and its respect for royal duties.


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