Meghan Markle Faces On-Air Backlash as She Expresses Interest in Role Over Angelina Jolie in New Movie

It's no secret that Meghan has always craved the spotlight, and her journey from the TV series Suits to the royal stage is quite intriguing. However, let's be honest, Meghan was never quite the Angelina Jolie of Hollywood, not even close to the top of the A-list circuit. Instead, it was her marriage to Prince Harry and her association with the royal family that propelled her to global recognition. Royal commentator Josh Rom astutely pointed out the irony of Meghan and Harry's Hollywood aspirations.

As the Duke and Duchess of Sussex strive to make it in Hollywood, they find themselves overshadowed by none other than King Charles and Prince William, who garner more support on stage and screen. It's almost comical how the royal duo, who left the monarchy behind, are now struggling to eclipse their own family members in the entertainment world.

Let's take a step back and reflect on Meghan's pre-royal acting career. Rom's observations about Meghan's role in Suits are crucial. She was not a Hollywood powerhouse. Instead, some sources reveal that Meghan and her former publicist actively courted the tabloids to boost her career before becoming a royal. This begs the question: Was Meghan ever truly a star, or did she follow in the royal footsteps to achieve global recognition?

Rom's insights continue with the revelation that Meghan's rise to stardom is intertwined with her marriage to Prince Harry – the same Prince Harry who, instead of supporting the royal brand, chose to distance himself from it . It's baffling how the Sussexes are trying to make it in Hollywood while rejecting the very institution that gave them the global platform they enjoy today.

However, amid these criticisms is a counter-narrative from PR expert Lynn Carrot of Pressbox PR. Carrot suggests Meghan and Harry are on track to regain their popularity in Hollywood after a successful press tour in Canada to promote the Invictus Games. But let's not be swayed too easily. A well-executed press tour doesn't erase the undeniable fact that Meghan's efforts in Hollywood appear to depend more on her royal ties than on her individual merit.

As we analyze Meghan's Hollywood ambitions, Prince Harry isn't escaping scrutiny either. His decision to distance himself from the royal family and embark on a Hollywood adventure with Meghan is raising eyebrows. He appears to be caught in a tug of war between his royal roots and the lure of Hollywood stardom. The recent BAFTAs showed Prince William mingling effortlessly with Hollywood elites, highlighting that royal support rested firmly with the King and Prince of Wales.

So what is it about Meghan and Harry's Hollywood journey that fails to resonate with the very industry they are trying to conquer? Is it a sense of entitlement, a victim mentality, or just a lack of true talent? The answer remains elusive. But what is clear is that Hollywood celebrities are increasingly favoring royals who embrace their heritage over those who stray from it.

Meghan and Harry's Hollywood journey is a story of contradictions and questionable choices. As the royal spotlight turns to King Charles and Prince William, we can't help but wonder if the Duke and Duchess of Sussex have underestimated Hollywood's loyalty to those who remain loyal to their roots. The road ahead for Meghan and Harry might be tougher than expected, and as Hollywood leans toward the royal family, the question remains: Can Meghan and Harry truly thrive without the royal brilliance that once defined them? Only time will tell.


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