Meghan Markle Dubbed ‘Princess of BLM’ by Candace Owens, Alleging Duchess’ Desire to Deconstruct Royal Family

During a candid interview with Nigel Farage on GBN America, Daily Wire host Candace Owens took aim at Meghan Markle, dubbing her the “Princess of BLM” in a scathing critique. Following their dramatic departure as senior members of the royal family in January 2020, the Duke and Duchess of Sussex moved to the United States, fulfilling what Owens claimed was still Meghan's aspiration. Owens pointed out that Meghan and Prince Harry have been very critical of the royal family in various interviews, in a Netflix documentary series and in Prince Harry's own memoir titled “Spare.”

During a conversation with Farage, Owens expressed his thoughts, saying: “I knew they would end up in Los Angeles because that was Meghan's dream. Her dream was to be an A-Lister, and she didn't 'couldn't make it to those A-list parties based on her own merits as an actress. She wasn't a very good actress, so she figured out how to get by by marrying a prince who is not as perceptive as her. He does not read the situation as clearly as the others.

Owens further suggested that Prince Harry was a victim of Meghan's manipulation, emphasizing the importance of their story's importance during the rise of the Black Lives Matter (BLM) movement. She connected Meghan's alleged desire for fame and wealth to Marxist principles, pointing out that the BLM movement, before it was widely understood, advocated the breakdown of the traditional family unit.

Owens said: “That’s why she became the princess of BLM, because what is one of the greatest principles of Marxism? The breakdown of the family. Black Lives Matter, in its charter, declared that they wanted to deconstruct the nuclear family. Well, Meghan Markle wanted to deconstruct “A family, right? And she was going to pretend it was for something noble: racism. It wasn't. So it was really because 'She wanted fame and wealth.'

While acknowledging that Prince Harry may not have been fully aware of the situation, Owens suggested that he, too, was drawn to the lure of fame and attention. She concluded by expressing concern over the circumstances surrounding the couple.

In response to their departure, Prince Harry released a written statement explaining his decision, expressing sadness and citing the need for security as a factor in their move. He highlighted the importance of the UK as a home and central part of his children's legacy, but stressed the need to prioritize their well-being.

Owens' interview highlighted the controversial perspectives surrounding Meghan Markle and Prince Harry's departure from royal duties, with strong opinions and divergent interpretations of their motivations and actions.


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