Lucie Castets Biography: Age, Education, Career, Public Service, Political Party, Nomination

Lucie Castets is a French civil servant who was nominated in 2024 by the New Popular Front (NFP) for the position of Prime Minister of France. Throughout her career, she has held positions at the Direction générale du Trésor and the French financial intelligence agency Tracfin.

Since 2023, she has served as the director of financing and purchasing for the city of Paris. Lucie Castets is also the co-founder and spokesperson of the collective “Nos services publics,” an association of civil servants aiming to strengthen the French civil service.

Lucie Castets’ nomination by the NFP followed disagreements among left-wing parties after they obtained the most seats in the 2024 French election but failed to secure an absolute majority. President Emmanuel Macron dismissed her nomination, emphasizing the importance of forming a governmental majority in the National Assembly.

Lucie Castets Age

Lucie Castets was born in 1987 in Caen, France. She is 37 years old as of 2024.

Lucie Castets Educational Background

Lucie Castets graduated from the École nationale d’administration in 2013. She also studied at Sciences Po and the London School of Economics.

Lucie Castets Career Journey

Lucie Castets has built a distinguished career in the French civil service, marked by her dedication to public administration and financial oversight:

Early Career

After graduating from the École nationale d’administration (ENA) in 2013, Lucie Castets began her career at the Direction générale du Trésor (General Directorate of the Treasury). Here, she worked on various financial policies and regulations, gaining valuable experience in economic governance.

Role at Tracfin

Lucie then moved to Tracfin, the French financial intelligence unit responsible for combating money laundering and terrorist financing. Her work at Tracfin involved analyzing financial transactions and identifying suspicious activities, which honed her skills in financial oversight and regulatory compliance.

Director of Financing and Purchasing

In 2023, Lucie was appointed as the Director of Financing and Purchasing for the city of Paris. In this role, she managed the city’s budget, procurement processes, and financial planning. Her leadership helped streamline financial operations and improve the efficiency of public spending.

Advocacy and Public Service

Lucie is also a co-founder and spokesperson of the collective “Nos services publics”, an association dedicated to strengthening the French civil service. Through this platform, she has advocated for better working conditions, increased funding, and greater recognition for public servants.

Public Recognition

Lucie gained significant public attention in November 2022 during a televised debate where she criticized President Macron’s administration for its reliance on consulting firms. Her articulate arguments and deep understanding of public finance resonated with many viewers, elevating her profile in the political arena.

Political Nomination

On July 23, 2024, Lucie was nominated by the New Popular Front (NFP), an alliance of left-wing parties, as their candidate for Prime Minister of France. This nomination followed the NFP’s success in the legislative elections, although they did not secure an absolute majority. Her nomination is seen as a strategic move to unify the coalition and present a fresh face in French politics.

Lucie Castets Political Party

Lucie Castets is associated with France’s New Popular Front, a leftist political alliance. This group selected her as their candidate for the new French Prime Minister.

Lucie Castets Personal Life

Lucie Castets is a highly private individual when it comes to her personal life and relationships, preferring to keep these details out of the public spotlight.

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