Justin Bieber is upset and leaves a concert in Oslo

Justin Bieber is upset and leaves concert in Oslo

During his tour of Europe, this is the second time he has made a

Youth idol Justin Bieber left the stage just minutes after starting his concert in Oslo, Norway, a video that has gone viral shows how the performer approaches the edge of the stage to try and clean up a liquid spilled by the audience, but he gets irritated when the fans don’t let him, and yells at them, “What are you doing? Stop. I said stop. Guys, are you listening to me? I’m trying to clean the floor.” And he ends: “Forget it, I’m done. I’m not going to continue with the show.”

Walking backstage, he takes off his shirt, which he throws on stage and disappears into the spotlight after singing a single song. On his Instagram social media account, the 21-year-old singer explained what had happened and apologized. “Unfortunately, it’s been a tough week for me, several sleepless days, when I have to be ‘ready’, as they say, for the cameras, the fans etc. I didn’t mean to be rude in any way, but I I decided to end the show when I saw that the people in the front row weren’t listening.

Hope people know where I’m from. I don’t always handle things the right way, but I’m human and I try to be better at responding than reacting. Unfortunately, there are people who have been affected by how I am. I am so sorry for the people behind the audience and for anyone I offended. I am also sorry that I wasted the time of people who saw the concert on television.

Like this next time. With love, Justin. “This is the second outrage that Justin Bieber does during his tour of Europe. A few days ago, the young man left, without notice, an interview with the radio 40 Principales in Madrid. enjoy the concert, which started and ended with the song Boyfriend.

“We are so sorry for what happened. It looked like it was going to be a beautiful night, until it did,” admitted Gjermund Moastuen, Marketing Director of Universal Music in Norway. And to try and make sense of what happened, he added, “I was cleaning up spilled water on the stage. Beyond that, you only know what he posted on Instagram.”


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