Former Friend Says Prince Harry and Meghan Markle Can Still Improve Their Public Image

Meghan Markle has been accused by a former friend of leaving the Royal Family due to the demanding nature of being a ‘royal’. Despite their repeated criticism of the Royal Family, Meghan Markle and Prince Harry have been told they still have a chance to fix their public image.

Lizzie Cundy, an English socialite, expressed her astonishment when the Duke and Duchess of Sussex stepped down as senior members of the Royal Family in 2020. According to her, Meghan, known for her role on TV show Suits, was uninterested in the “hard work” that comes with being a member of the royal family, finding her unexciting.

Cundy shared her reaction with Fox News, saying, “To be honest, I was pretty shocked. It’s a privilege to be part of this royal family. She knew what she was getting into before she married Harry. ”

Cundy continued, expressing her belief that Meghan found the royal lifestyle too demanding and less glamorous than Hollywood. She lamented Meghan’s decision to leave, noting she had the potential to become the next Princess Diana, and saw it as a wasted opportunity.

The Duchess’ former friend also slammed Meghan for incessantly chatting about their family since leaving the royal fold. Cundy predicted other books and interviews would follow, portraying him as disloyal and suggesting Meghan and Harry were trying to undermine the monarchy, while emphasizing love and support for the royal family in the UK.

Nevertheless, Cundy maintained that the couple, now residing in California, could rehabilitate their image. However, she acknowledged that it would be difficult given their many criticisms and attacks on the Royal Family.


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