Famous actress Charlotte Kirk had to sleep their way to the top

Famous actress Charlotte Kirk had to sleep to the top

A director who gave s * – * x-for-roles scandal actress Charlotte Kirk a role in her latest film after sleeping with her admitted their relationship influenced his decision to choose her.

Charlotte Kirk dated director Joshua Newton for five years, landing the lead role in his movie “Nicole & OJ” just weeks after starting a relationship with him.

Speaking exclusively to MailOnline, Mr Newton said: ‘Charlotte and I had been together for five years and it would be hard to argue that it didn’t influence me. But she was given the role on merit and for all the good. artistic reasons.

“I didn’t look for other actresses in the role. Charlotte was absolutely right.

“We were just friends for six months and then we started as a * – * xual relationship. It was shortly after that I decided that she would be the lead actress; she is very talented and looks strangely like Nicole. The fact that she is my girlfriend has nothing to do with my artistic choices. ‘

Kirk, 26, has been at the center of one of Hollywood’s most high-profile sex scandals after it emerged she had an affair with Warner Brothers boss Kevin Tsujihara, 54.

Text messages posted between them suggested that he would help her secure roles while they were involved in an as * – * xual relationship. He resigned last month.

Prior to that, the published text messages also showed Kirk had a relationship with James Packer, the head of a Warner-based entertainment company, and had been introduced to Tsujihara by him.

Newton said he was originally introduced to Kirk in mid-2013 through a mutual friend after she moved to Los Angeles to try to break into the film industry.

He said: “We had a lot in common and we hit it off right away. A strong friendship turned into something much deeper. We were deeply in love with each other. I still talk to Charlotte a lot. He’s a sensitive, caring, and loving human being who is portrayed as a ruthless s * – * x for go-getter roles. She was very distressed by this

I am very concerned with the way she is being guided and portrayed in the media.

Newton said he picked Kirk, from Bexleyheath, Kent, because she had a “strange resemblance” to Nicole and added: “Yeah, I gave her a big break, but why wouldn’t I? for someone who was perfect for the role and I liked it? ‘

Newton revealed that during his time with Kirk, he was aware of his former affair with Tsujihara, which he insists was not about her trying to use him to land roles.

Her relationship with Newton may have straddled the affair with married Tsujihara in 2013.

Newton said, “He (Tsujihara) was powerful and influential and that actually turned her on. She wasn’t thinking of using it to get roles because a guy in that position can’t help an unknown actor. The movie industry doesn’t work that way. When we were together I knew absolutely everything about the fact that Charlotte and Kevin were together.

Newton and Kirk went their separate ways six months ago after a series of arguments. The couple had planned to get married and have children this past Valentine’s Day, the director bought them a Cartier diamond necklace for £ 8,000.

Newton revealed, “I was in Cannes, she was in America and we hadn’t seen each other for five weeks. We had several arguments on the phone before deciding to go our separate ways.

Newton revealed he didn’t know if Kirk was in another relationship, but urged her to stay away from men in the movie industry, given the impact the sex scandal had on her. She is currently staying with her family in Kent to get away from Hollywood.


Hey, I am Avijit... I am mostly addicted to films, music, cricket, and football—and not necessarily in that order....

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