Doubts Arise Over Existence of Meghan Markle and Prince Harry’s Baby, Lilibet

Could it be that the suspicions we have about Lily’s existence are actually founded? Rumors are swirling that the Sussexes are once again considering trading silver coins for imaginary children, and there seems to be an abundance of joy and happiness in the air.

One of the reasons I hold this channel in high regard is that most of you understand that news articles in the media often contain a mixture of truth and fiction. We have strong reservations about Lilybet’s existence, but there was a recent article about Prince Charles meeting his granddaughter at the Queen’s Jubilee celebrations.

It makes me think about how Prince Charles managed to find time to meet this fabricated child in the middle of the celebrations. If that happened, which is a substantial “if”, wouldn’t headline-seeking individuals ensure that some photos were leaked, probably to the Daily Mail? After all, every other member of the royal family has shared photos of their children at such events.

However, Lilybet and Archie have remained noticeably absent from these public outings, leading us to question their existence. They seem to be an enigma in the realm of normal childhood activities: no trips to the park, no visits to preschool, just a strange absence of any typical experience. This is in stark contrast to other royals who have openly shared such moments.

Additionally, during this visit, Harry claimed that his 96-year-old grandmother, the Queen, who had only months to live, was frolicking on the floor with an imaginary child. This seems highly unlikely, given his frailty and state of health at the time. This doesn’t match.

It’s also very convenient that none of Harry’s family is present to meet Lilybet; they were all busy with their royal duties. It seems that they were not very interested in meeting this invisible child, and we can see why. Not a single member of the royal family has an official or even unofficial photo of the girl, and the only authenticated photo of Archie is from his christening.

The bottom line is that this article highlights the need to exercise caution when digesting the news. We’ve heard from people who were on duty when Harry and Meghan flew to the UK, confirming that no children were traveling with them. It is clear that this story was promoted by their PR apparatus, and without any official statement from the palace to contradict it, they continue to perpetuate their lies.

Someone undoubtedly knows the truth, and whoever it is, they will likely be handsomely compensated for remaining silent.

William’s popularity is undoubtedly something we all share, and one can only imagine the envy Harry must be feeling right now. It seems like karma caught up with him, to be honest. But how can you not adore William? He embodies so many qualities that endear him to the public.

Now, let’s focus on the exciting baby news. This may be the first time that Catherine has had the chance to enjoy the company of a baby alone for several uninterrupted hours during the day, with the other children in the safety of school. Margaret’s perspective truly highlights the appeal of such a scenario, making the information more believable. Catherine must cherish the opportunity to care for a newborn wholeheartedly, without the usual distractions.

Reading your reactions to baby news is always a pleasure. Amanda’s enthusiasm for a royal baby mirrors ours, and it’s heartwarming to see the support for this wonderful family. We all hope that if Catherine is indeed pregnant, her journey will go smoothly, given her past struggles with morning sickness. William and the children will undoubtedly provide him with excellent care and support.

Susan Lucas also raises a valid point regarding Catherine’s past pregnancies, hinting at the possibility that this time may be different. It’s true; pregnancies can be full of surprises.

Meanwhile, Meredith reminds us of Catherine’s previous morning sickness during her pregnancies, which could cast doubt on current events. We appreciate the diversity of opinions shared in the comments.

Let’s shift gears and tackle another topic: Meghan Markle’s experiences within the British royal family. As previously mentioned, Meghan seemed to struggle with her position within the royal hierarchy, and it’s safe to say that she lacked the grace, humility, and dedication required for a successful royal role. His impatience with his position was evident.

Her claim that she was unaware of the inner workings of the royal family before meeting Harry raises eyebrows, given the calculated nature of her actions later. She certainly had enough knowledge to understand the importance of discretion within the royal fold. His attempts to tarnish the reputation of the royal family without substantial evidence are a worrying trend. The late queen’s wise words, “Memories may vary,” are a reminder to approach Meghan’s statements with caution.

Meghan’s manipulative tendencies are evident in her ability to influence public opinion without concrete evidence. His vindictive actions have the potential to cause lasting damage. It is disheartening to see how Harry, who appears to have been manipulated, rushes to her defense without questioning her claims.

Meghan’s efforts to portray herself as an innocent victim allows her to manipulate situations and people. Harry’s current predicament is precarious and it is unclear whether he understands the extent of the manipulation he has suffered. When Meghan no longer finds Harry useful, she may reject him, leaving him with no choice but to return to the family that has always supported him.

Meghan’s willingness to make baseless allegations, such as racism within the royal family, shows her determination to tarnish the reputation of the institution. This calculated approach relies on the belief that some will assume her allegations are true simply because she made them. The damage is done and it is difficult to repair the damage caused.

Although it may seem cynical, there is real concern that Meghan may resort to further manipulation to secure her freedom and gain custody of the “invisible” children. Harry’s role could be vilified, portraying him as a danger to her and the children. This is a scenario which, although not certain, should not be ruled out.

Meghan’s actions thus far indicate a propensity for manipulation, and it remains to be seen how events will unfold in the future. Hopefully steps can be taken to prevent any potential damage it may cause. Your thoughts on this are much appreciated.


Hey, I am Avijit... I am mostly addicted to films, music, cricket, and football—and not necessarily in that order....

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