Charlize Theron’s Journey to Gaining Weight for a Film Role

Charlize Theron won 50 pounds while eating macaroni and cheese at 2 a.m. Charlize Theron has put on 50 pounds to play overwhelmed mother Marlo in her new movie, ‘Tully.’

“I wanted to feel what this woman was feeling, and I think that was a way for me to connect with her and get into that mindset,” Theron told Entertainment Tonight. “You know, it was a huge surprise for me.

I was hit pretty hard in the face by depression. Yes, for the first time in my life, I was eating so many processed foods and drinking way too much sugar. I wasn’t that fun being in that movie.

As described, Theron, 42, ate around the clock just to keep the
ballast on. “Like, all of a sudden you’re done eating that amount and it becomes work,” she said after confessing to eating In-N-Out for breakfast. “I remember having to set my alarm clock in the middle of the night just to maintain [the weight].”

She goes into indulgent detail, adding, “I literally woke up at 2 a.m. and had a cup of cold mac and cheese right next to me,” the Oscar-winning actress shared. “I would wake up and just eat it…I would just put it down my throat. It’s hard to maintain this

at Theron weight gain was so upsetting to her two children, Jackson, 6, and August, 2, that they thought she was pregnant. Once the film was finished, came the daunting task of getting rid of the
ballast. Theron said it took a year and a half.

“I was worried. I was like, this really takes a long time,” she said. “Because on ‘Monster,’ I just didn’t snack for five days and I was fine. . You know your body at 27 is a little different than your body at 43, and my doctor made sure to realize that for me. Like, you’re 42, calm down, you’re not dying, it’s okay.


Hey, I am Avijit... I am mostly addicted to films, music, cricket, and football—and not necessarily in that order....

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