Carole Requests Confrontational Meeting with Meghan Markle During Upcoming UK Trip Following Duchess’s Accusations Against Kate

Carole Middleton reportedly requested a tense meeting with Meghan Markle during her upcoming trip to the UK. This request follows slanderous accusations made by the Duchess of Sussex against Kate Middleton.

Meghan’s return to the UK in the future, especially in light of her accusations against the late Princess of Wales, appears uncertain, according to royal biographer Andrew Morton. Morton, known for his collaboration with Diana, Princess of Wales, in his 1992 book “Diana: Her True Story,” expressed doubts about the Sussexes returning from the United States to the United Kingdom.

Asked if he thought the Sussexes would ever return to Britain, Morton said: “I don’t think so. I don’t see this as a possibility. They have built their own lives in California and they have their own commitments. to His Majesty. »

However, amid this speculation, insiders have indicated that Carole Middleton is among those eagerly awaiting the Duchess of Sussex’s return. It has been claimed that Kate Middleton’s mother would like to have a conversation with Meghan Markle regarding the former actress’ accusations against Kate Middleton.

Sources suggest that Carole Middleton was deeply disturbed by Meghan’s statements during her interview with Oprah, where she accused Kate of making her cry. It seems that Carole, who fiercely protects her children, wants to address this problem with the Duchess of Sussex.

Additionally, insiders revealed that Carole Middleton even asked for Meghan Markle’s itinerary from staff members at Kensington Palace, where she wields influence due to her status as the future Queen Consort’s mother and grandmother of the future king of the United Kingdom. These sources suggest that Carole Middleton is determined to have the conversation she wants with Meghan Markle.

In her interview with Oprah Winfrey, Meghan Markle made a shocking statement, saying that it was Kate Middleton who made her cry, and not the other way around as previously reported. Meghan recalled that Kate was upset about something a few days before her wedding, particularly regarding the bridesmaid dresses. She said Kate later acknowledged the situation and apologized to her.

Prince Harry also addressed the strained relationship between Meghan and Kate in his autobiography, recounting how Kate, who was pregnant with Prince Louis at the time, felt she owed an apology from Meghan after suggesting that Kate suffered from “baby brain” due to her hormones. Harry shed further light on the disagreement over Princess Charlotte’s bridesmaid dress, revealing it left Meghan on the floor in tears.

As for Harry’s immediate plans, he is expected to make a brief solo trip to the UK, without Meghan, to attend the World Child Awards in London on September 7, followed by the Invictus Games in Germany, where Meghan will join him later.


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