Bank Executive Declares Prince Harry & Meghan Markle Insolvent as Repayment Due Date is Missed Repeatedly

It looks like our favorite royal renegades, Harry and Meghan, could be navigating their way through a financial storm of their own creation. Since bidding farewell to royal life in 2020, Harry and Meghan have been busy, exploring various business ventures, from the Archewell Foundation to their Netflix series and Spotify podcast deal. However, here's the problem: It seems like their spending habits are outpacing their earning potential.

According to royal author Martha McGinness, who closely monitors the Sussexes, they might have taken on more than they can handle. McGinness isn't holding back, saying Harry and Meghan are heading down a rocky road, with their overheads outpacing their earning potential. Ouch – talk about a financial fall from grace. And if that wasn't enough, trouble is brewing at Archewell Productions. Just this week, the director of Harry and Meghan's production company decided to resign, sending shock waves through the Sussex camp. Rumor has it that Netflix, their goose that lays the golden eggs, is not keen on renewing their contract. Double ouch!

But wait, there's more. McGinness suggests that a significant part of Harry's problems stem from unresolved money issues. Yes, you heard right. It seems our dear prince is suffering from unhealed trauma lurking beneath the surface, wreaking havoc in his life. If only he had faced his demons head on, maybe he wouldn't be in this predicament.

As for Meghan, she's no stranger to her own issues. Adjusting to life outside the royal bubble hasn't been a walk in the park for our Duchess, with the harsh realities of royal life taking their toll. But hey, no one said being a former Royal was easy, did they?

And there you have it, the final chapter in the Harry and Meghan saga. Will they be able to turn things around or are they doomed to financial ruin? Only time will tell, but one thing is certain: it will be one hell of an adventure.


Hey, I am Avijit... I am mostly addicted to films, music, cricket, and football—and not necessarily in that order....

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