Meghan Markle Overshadows directly conveys the notion of her taking the spotlight away from Prince Harry

Meghan Markle has recently found herself at the center of attention, eclipsing Prince Harry in the process. Royal expert Rupert Bell highlighted this dynamic in a recent interview on Talk TV, where he discussed the couple’s three-day tour of Nigeria linked to the Invictus Games. Although the visit was intended to promote Invictus, it appears Meghan may have inadvertently made headlines.

Bell noted, “The visit, which was supposed to focus on Invictus, instead sparked more discussion about Meghan.” He noted that amid all the media coverage, Prince Harry’s efforts to promote the Invictus Games seemed to take a back seat.

This situation highlights the constant attention and public interest surrounding Meghan Markle’s actions, sometimes eclipsing the attention paid to Prince Harry and their joint initiatives.


Hey, I am Avijit... I am mostly addicted to films, music, cricket, and football—and not necessarily in that order....

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