Who is Werner Herzog’s wife Lena Herzog? Family with children and net worth

Did you know that the famous German director Werner Herzog is married to Lena Herzog? This article discusses Werner Herzog’s wife, family and net worth.

Werner Herzog is a German director, writer, actor, opera director and screenwriter.

He is credited as a pioneer of the ‘new German cinema’ and is considered one of the most influential directors.

In fact, in 2009, Time magazine listed him as one of the 100 most influential people in the world.

His films revolve around ambitious heroes with unattainable goals, people with extraordinary abilities or characters who are contrary to nature.

Werner is known for his unique approach to photography, which includes renouncing storyboards and encouraging improvisation.

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Who is Werner Herzog’s wife Lena Herzog?

Werner Herzog is currently married to a Russian-American visual artist and photographer named Lena Herzog.

The couple married in 1999 and have been together for over two decades.

Surprisingly, they don’t have a child together, but Warner has three children from his previous relationship.

In 1970 Elena Pisatsky (her birth name) was born in Sverdlovsk, in the Russian SFSR of the Soviet Union.

She moved to Leningrad in 1987 to enroll in the university’s philological faculty and study languages ​​and literature.

She moved to the US in 1990 and received a degree in philosophy from Mills College.

Werner with his wife (source: IMDb)

Lena worked at Stanford University as a research consultant.

She learned photographic printing processes and started taking pictures in 1997.

To get the required results, Herzog mixes some of the first photographic darkroom techniques with modern methods.

Her work has been featured in the New York Times and ranges from traditional documentary to experimental and conceptual.

The artist became a United States citizen in 1999.

She has made California her home with her husband since their marriage.

They worked together on several projects, including a book of bad stills in 2009.

The Werner Herzog family and children were interrogated

The star director was born on September 5, 1942 in Munich, Germany.

His mother, Elisabeth Stiftich, was Austrian of Croatian descent, and his father, Dietrich Herzog, was German.

Elisabeth took two-week-old Werner and ran away to the isolated Bavarian town of Sachrang in the Chiemgau Alps because of the bombings during World War II.

He grew up in Sekrang without access to running water, a flush toilet or a telephone.

Moreover, he had never watched movies and was unaware that there was a cinema.

Herzog returned to Munich with his family when he was twelve years old.

He went through a tremendous period of conversion to Catholicism at a young age, but it only lasted a few years.

At this point, he decided to become a filmmaker and learned the basics from a few pages of an encyclopedia.

Herzog has three children from three different marriages.

He married Martje Grohmann in 1967, and the two had a son named Rudolf Amos Ahmed in 1973.

In 1985, the couple divorced. His girlfriend at the time Eva Mattes gave birth to Hannah Mattes in 1980.

His second marriage was to Christine Maria Abenberger in 1987; They had a son named Simon Herzog in 1989 and divorced in 1997.

What is the net worth of Werner Herzog?

According to celebrity net worthDirector Werner Herzog has a whopping fortune of $20 million.

When he was nineteen in 1961, Herzog began producing his debut film, Heracles.

Since then, more than sixty films and documentaries have been produced, written and directed by him.

Werner Herzog reads a scene
Werner Herzog reads a scene (source: diverse)

Many of Herzog’s documentaries were narrated by him. All his films and documentaries are responsible for his enormous wealth.

Herzog directed three film seminars despite his criticism of film schools.

He ran the Rogue Film School, where aspiring filmmakers spent a few days with him in unforgettable locations from 2009 to 2016.

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