Who is Don Wycherley’s wife, Deirdre Wycherley? Children and family

Fans are wondering if Don Wycherley’s wife is Deirdre Wycherley. They want to know everything about their relationship and married life.

Born on 15 September 1967, Don Wycherley hails from Skibbereen, County Cork.

He is an Irish actor best known for his role as Father Cyril Macduff b Father TedSr. Aidan O’Connell bin licksangeland Raymond in BAgo.

Wycherley is a passionate actor who has always dreamed of being on stage and in film. He chooses the love of art over money.

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Don Wycherley’s wife, Deirdre Wycherley – details of the children

The talented actor is married to Deirdre Wycherley. They met in the early 1990s at Susie Street Leeson Street nightclub.

The couple have three lovely children: two sons and a daughter.

Jack Wycherley is the couple’s eldest son, Katie is the second child, and Evan Wycherley is the youngest.

Don has always been a man who follows his instincts. He just dives into the thing straight in.

So his personality makes him the awkward dad or the crazy dad.

Don Wycherley with Cate Blanchett in Veronica Guarin (2003) (source: IMDb)

Once, his daughter Katie told him to stay away from her friends and not talk to them because none of her friends’ fathers do that.

However, on the other hand, his son, Evan, loves his father’s unique personality.

Don used to bring his youngest to the wooden bridge, and they jumped in with his friends. It made his son feel special about him.

Recently, Wycherley’s youngest son, Owen Wycherley, was arrested after going out of control in Dublin.

It was reported that he was drunk from a bottle of rum. The rum was supposedly a Christmas present from Kris Kindle.

After getting drunk, he started gluing railings to an office building. He also abused passers-by and spat at a garda station.

Don Wycherley made a donation of €300 to charity at Dublin District Court for the incident.

Similarly, his son apologized for trespassing, causing fear, public drunkenness and threatening and abusive behavior at the event.

Who are Don Wycherley’s parents? A family was interrogated

Actor Don Wycherley was born to Florence Wycherley, his father, and Mary Wycherley, his mother.

His father, Florence, was an Irish politician. In the 1957 general election, he was elected as an Independent Deputy Steward (TD) to Steward for Cork West.

However, he lost his seat in the 1961 general election.

Don grew up alongside his three brothers. He was one and a half years old, and his younger brother was three months old when their father Florence died.

Florence Wycherley died at the age of 59 of a heart attack. This event made Don aware that life is short.

Wife of Don Wycherley
Don Wycherley with his friends (source: Instagram)

It was difficult for Marie to manage the household and three sons with only a widow’s allowance. But her children were her strength, and somehow, she survived.

A fine actor, Don Wycherley was always full of passion and love for the game.

His mother was his biggest supporter, pushing him to follow his dream and passion.

Many years ago, Don Wycherley told his mother that he wanted to be an actor and would quit his job as an elementary school teacher.

She listened to him; Years later, Don has proven himself to be one of the industry’s breakout stars.

In addition, he is the brother-in-law of actress Tina Clegar.

Calgar is best known for her performance as Sharon Carly in the 1993 Stephen Frears film the snapper 

How much is Don Wycherley’s net worth?

According to Wikilogy, Don Wycherley’s estimated net worth is approximately $1.5 million as of 2023.

The actor earns a hefty amount from his acting career. He is a hardworking and passionate actor who loves what he does.

Wife of Don Wycherley
An exceptionally talented actor, Don Wycherley (source: IrishSeminar)

Don is always intrigued by all things gaming and radiates positive energy even in his hectic schedule.

His performances are binding and have a kind of magnetism on the screen and in the theater that captures the public’s attention.

But things were not always easy for him. Don used to work as a substitute teacher following his acting career when things went downhill.

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