What is X Mayo’s real name? Family age and net worth

X Mayo the real name piqued the interest of fans. Did she reveal her real name? Read this article to find out more about her.

X Mayo is a native of South Central Inglewood, California who works as an actress, writer, comedian, producer and taco expert. She gained notoriety after portraying Melody in the TV series Discovering Ohana.

She is a member of the house team “Too Damn Much” in the Upright Citizens division and performs there. She was a founding member of the improv and sketch group “My Mother’s Biscuits”.

In addition to 2nd Best and Hell Yes Fest, X has performed comedy at many festivals. Who made the potato salad? Produced and created by her. This is a daily comedy series made by people of color.

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What is X Mayo’s real name and age?

X Mayo has yet to reveal his real age. Her parents gave birth to her in California, in the United States. As of 2023, X Mayo will be 32 years old.

Her age is only an estimate as she did not give her exact birth month or date.

Comedian X Mayo started her own show (source: Forbes)

Mayo enrolled in elementary school at a nearby Catholic school. She then enrolled at De Gato University, where she received her degree in 2018. In New York City, Mayo currently lives and works.

We can conclude that she wants to keep her private life private because she has never revealed her real age or name.

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X The Mayo family was investigated

X Mayo’s mother is Cheryl McCoy-Gaily, and she has an unknown father. She has only revealed her parents’ names so far.

Originally from California, Mayo is a member of an African-American family. In addition to being a Christian, she is of black heritage. She has yet to provide information about X’s devoted mother, father or other family members.

As for her private life, she goes to great lengths to keep a low profile. Her older brother, Stephen, died on February 5, 2003, according to her social media accounts.

The fact that X Mayo wants to keep her family out of the limelight and doesn’t want the media to know about them is made clear by this.

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What is the net worth of X Mayo?

Acting and writing for movies are the main sources of income for American actress X Mayo who is believed to have a net worth ofmillion dollar.

Acting has always been a passion for the talented actress. Mayo used to act in numerous plays and short films while she was a college student.

She appeared in the film Aliens, playing the role of Ruby, to make her acting debut. Another film is a 2019 film called The Goodbye, in which she also starred. She joined the daily program as a contributor and writer.

X Mayo is a real name
Photo by X Mayo (source: remix)

She is quite active on social media, although only on a few platforms. X is a multi-talented person who acts and writes funny dramas.

She joined the cast of The Daily Show with Trevor Noah in 2019 and is currently an essayist on the show. Her fantastic writing caught everyone’s attention backstage.

In 2018 X Mayo began its media journey, which has recently been successful. She maintains a website that highlights her achievements and lists the many meetings she has received.

Since she hasn’t revealed her net worth, we’ll update this page if she ever does.

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