“Unstable and oriented”: Donald Trump attacks Oprah Winfrey on Twitter

The 45th president of the United States attacked the CBS presenter after an interview broadcast on his show 60 minutes. Attacks to which the presenter responded on the set of Ellen DeGeneres, this Thursday.

War is declared. In a vitriolic tweet published this Sunday, Donald Trump pinned Oprah Winfrey, the favorite presenter of American television viewers. The reasons for this anger? The CBS host reportedly lacked objectivity when questioning a panel of voters about the current President of the United States.


“I just watched a very volatile Oprah Winfrey, who I once knew very well, interview a panel of people on ’60 Minutes’,” the head of state wrote on his Twitter account. , incorrect facts. I hope Oprah runs for office so she can be exposed and defeated like everyone else!”

I just watched a very insecure Oprah Winfrey, who I knew very well at one point, interview a panel of people on 60 Minutes. The questions were biased and biased, the facts incorrect. I hope Oprah runs so she can be exposed and defeated like everyone else!

— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) February 19, 2018

The presenter had indeed asked fourteen Michigan voters about the Trump presidency during her weekly show – half of them having voted for Donald Trump in the last presidential election. “Polls show that respect for the United States is waning around the world,” she said. Do you care what the rest of the world thinks of the United States? Oprah Winfrey then gives the floor to both camps. An experience that obviously left a bitter taste for Barack Obama’s successor.

“It’s not in my DNA”

Especially since since January 2018, and his fiery speech at the Golden Globes, speculation has been rife about the journalist’s possible candidacy for a next presidential election. Will Oprah Winfrey be in the running for the White House? If the idea turns the heads of the Democrats, the interested party tempers their enthusiasm: “I am really touched by the fact that people think that I could be a good leader of the free world, she confided then in” 60 Minutes ” . But it’s not in my DNA.” However, no one is immune to a change of opinion. Only Donald Trump does not change his mind…

“I worked very hard to do the opposite”

If Oprah Winfrey had not yet reacted publicly to these allegations, the presenter ended up confiding on the set of Ellen DeGeneres, this Thursday. “I woke up and I thought, Oprah Winfrey begins, shrugging her shoulders indifferently. And I don’t like to empower negativity, so I just thought, what?” The host then chooses to watch the show a second time with her producers, in order to determine if some of Donald Trump’s criticisms are founded. And claims to have “worked very hard to do the opposite” of what the President of the United States insinuates.

“What I really, really did was go back into the studio and watch the recording to see if there was any possibility there was any truth to it,” Oprah says Winfrey. Did I feel like… I was biased or biased.”

Before continuing: “I called the producers. Because what happens when you do 60 Minutes is that you sit in a room with at least seven other people who criticize the show before it airs, before you even introduce it, and then they criticize it again.”

The CBS host claimed to have tried to “confront several points of view”, and tried to “swing” the answers “too oriented on the Democratic side”. The presenter will have at least received the support of her colleague Ellen DeGeneres, who declares, hilarious: “He went too far, and when you are looking for Oprah, you have to do business with me.”


Hey, I am Avijit... I am mostly addicted to films, music, cricket, and football—and not necessarily in that order....

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