Surprising Support for Prince Harry’s UK Return Amid Interview Influence Claims

Prince Harry has garnered unexpected support for his potential return to the UK, following speculation about his vulnerability to outside influences in recent interviews. Former Prime Minister Liz Truss aired her views during an exclusive interview with GB News host Dan Wootton in Leigh, Greater Manchester.

Truss, who succeeded Boris Johnson in Downing Street but was ousted after a short tenure of just 49 days, answered questions from Wootton and GB News viewers.

A member of the public asked: “Do you think Britain would welcome Prince Harry back if he were expelled or divorced from Meghan? And do you think the Duchess is a bad influence on him?” In response, Truss said: “If Prince Harry wishes to return to Britain, I think we should welcome him back.

I understand that may not be a popular sentiment with everyone in the public, but now that he is no longer financially supported by the Royal Family, he should be free to pursue his own endeavors and find a job like any other individual in our country. ”

On the issue of influence, Truss refrained from commenting on his specific source, but acknowledged that some recent interviews and publications have raised suggestions in this regard. Truss’ unexpected show of support came shortly after Prince Harry received a legal boost. The Department of Homeland Security (DHS) has announced its refusal to release immigration records relating to the Duke of Sussex’s application.

DHS declined to confirm whether it had any documents related to Prince Harry’s request for a waiver to enter the United States.

The conservative think tank Heritage Foundation has launched a legal challenge over the Duke’s visa application. Nile Gardiner, director of the Margaret Thatcher Center for Freedom at the think tank, criticized the Biden administration’s lack of transparency in response to the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) request made by the Heritage Foundation.

Gardiner said: “The Department of Homeland Security (DHS) recently declined to release whether it has any documentation relating to the Duke of Sussex’s request for a waiver to legally enter the United States. This response shows a disturbing lack transparency from the Biden Administration.

There are only three possible explanations for Prince Harry entering the United States on a visa: (1) Prince Harry disclosed his full history of drug use and received a waiver, (2) DHS openly ignored the law, or (3) Prince Harry committed perjury.

“For DHS to argue that confirming the existence of a waiver would breach the privacy of the Duke of Sussex implies that (1) the confidentiality of having a waiver is crucial, which would mean that he has complied with the law since he currently resides in the United States. , (2) it is a private matter whether the government willfully ignored the law in the case of Prince Harry, or (3) perjury is a matter privacy. This argument lacks consistency but is not surprising coming from the Biden administration, which has shown a complete lack of transparency.”


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