Prince Harry Choked as Arthur Chatto Becomes First Royal Marine and Receives Noble Position, Leaving Him Exiled

The four grandchildren of Princess Margaret, Countess of Snowden, often find themselves in the background when it comes to the royal family in the spotlight. They mostly lead normal lives and only occasionally appear at national events such as royal weddings, funerals, and Thanksgiving services.

One of Princess Margaret’s grandsons, Arthur Chatto, rarely makes headlines despite being the late queen’s great-nephew. Among his many accomplishments, Arthur made a name for himself through his love of physical activity and charitable work. Recently, Arthur joined his family at national events for the Platinum Jubilee and the funeral of the late Queen.

He was photographed wearing his Royal Marines uniform on both occasions. After successfully completing the grueling Royal Marines training, Arthur will become the first member of the royal family to qualify for the regiment.

An October 25, 2020 article reported that Prince Harry had been accused by a top general of turning his back on the Royal Marines after resigning from his military duties in March. The move was seen as a snub to the armed forces and led to Harry being stripped of his military titles, including those of commodore and chief of ships and diving, as well as honorary air commander of RAF Honington in February 2021. The move came after Harry and the Duchess of Sussex announced their intention to step back from royal duties the previous year.

In a statement marking the 358th anniversary of the Royal Marines, King Charles expressed his pride in becoming its ceremonial leader. He succeeded Prince Harry as Captain General of the Royal Marines. Sources indicated that the late Queen was looking for a replacement for Harry’s position in the Royal Marines, and Arthur emerged as the leading candidate for the noble role.

Arthur’s decision to join the Royal Marines last year followed in the footsteps of his mother’s cousin, Prince Edward, who dropped out of the grueling course four months after arriving in 1986. Once Arthur successfully completed intensive commando training, he will be the first member of the army. royal family to join the Royal Marines. He informed his great-aunt, the late queen, of his plans, and she would have been happy and proud. Prince Edward was also very supportive of her decision.

While Arthur will be the family’s first Royal Marine, other members of the royal family have a rich history of military service. Prince William served in the Royal Navy, Royal Air Force and British Army, while Prince Harry saw active duty in Afghanistan during his time in the military. Other royals who have served include King Charles in the Royal Navy and Royal Air Force, Prince Andrew in the Royal Navy, Prince Philip in the Royal Navy and even the late Queen, who served as a mechanic during World War II and was a member of the Auxiliary Territorial Service.

Arthur, who attended Westminster Cathedral Choir School, Eton College and the University of Edinburgh, earned his reputation through his involvement in various physical activities. He once shared his success with his 222,000 followers on Instagram before deleting his account two years ago. Arthur and his team broke two world records during the GB Row Under Tower Bridge, becoming the youngest team to achieve the feat, completing it in 42 days, 8 hours, 23 minutes and 16 seconds, a remarkable achievement which brought a feeling of accomplishment.


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