Neighbors in Montecito Reject Meghan Markle’s Inconvenient Local Rule: ‘Not Royal Anymore!

Disgruntled Montecito neighbors are challenging local rules for Meghan Markle, who is no longer considered royalty. Meghan Markle’s presence in the quiet Montecito neighborhood has sparked concern and dissension among some of her neighbors, leading to growing disapproval of her local regulations. The Duchess’s attitude, in particular, became a significant source of discontent among locals.

A Montecito neighbor recently made light of the controversy by revealing a list of rules attributed to Meghan Markle, sparking a wave of backlash in the community. The move of Meghan and Prince Harry to this serene neighborhood has indeed raised more than one eyebrow. Some neighbors described Meghan as displaying a sense of haughtiness, which sparked resentment among them.

In an interview with the Daily Express, one neighbor openly expressed impatience over Meghan’s departure, citing the couple’s general attitude as troubling for the entire neighborhood. The controversy intensified when an individual named Kimberly posted a photograph of a rather peculiar set of rules posted on the door of a large mansion, supposedly established by Meghan Markle herself.

Kimberly’s post included remarks about these rules imposed by “the Duchess of Sussex,” which left her surprised and prompted her to share it online. The list of demands featured various restrictions, including banning residents from engaging in conversations with the royal couple, touching their dogs or even attempting to communicate with them through notes. Some residents found these requirements too strict.

Additionally, the rules discouraged locals from approaching or starting conversations with the royal couple unless initiated by Meghan and Harry. They also discouraged interactions with their dogs, offering to walk them or trying to meet their children, Archie and Lilibet. The list explicitly prohibited mailing anything through the mailbox at their Montecito mansion.

Kimberly’s post sparked a brief but intense reaction online, although it was quickly deleted after just 30 minutes. Nonetheless, the contents of the list have not gone unnoticed by dedicated royal enthusiasts. In an exclusive interview with local neighbors, the dissatisfaction with Meghan Markle’s lifestyle was palpable.

Complaints ranged from the couple’s dogs defecating in the area to Meghan’s perceived arrogance, exemplified by her comprehensive set of rules. Some neighbors even took the extraordinary step of filing a formal complaint with authorities.

Additionally, some neighbors feel Meghan might exert undue influence over her husband, Prince Harry. As one neighbor put it: “I think she has more influence on Harry than he has on her.” This perception has contributed to growing public disapproval of Meghan, whose journey from second-rate television actress to duchess was accompanied by a notable shift in her public image.

The strained relationship between Meghan and Kate, Prince William’s wife, has also been a point of contention among neighbors. Some have attributed this tension to Meghan’s apparent efforts to upstage Kate. A neighbor said he tried to warmly welcome the Sussexes when they first moved in, offering them films about the history of the exclusive California enclave. However, Meghan and Harry reportedly showed little interest.

Harry and Meghan have resided in an impressive £11.5 million mansion in Montecito since June 2020, shortly after stepping down as senior royals. The property has a range of amenities, including a tennis court, an outdoor swimming pool and 16 impressive rooms.

Data from a recent US poll suggests that Meghan Markle is viewed unfavorably by a majority of Americans, with 33 percent expressing disapproval of her and only 31 percent showing approval, giving a rate of net approval of minus two. This rating represents an eight-point drop since Newsweek’s last poll in June.

It’s worth noting that the couple also feature low on the list of people people would want to strike up a conversation with over their garden fence, according to the same survey. Meghan Markle’s presence in Montecito has been marred by controversy, and her real and perceived attitudes have contributed to growing discontent among neighbors and a notable decline in public opinion.


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