Recently, royal commentator and pundit Angela Levin slammed Prince Harry and Meghan Markle for their lack of kindness and compassion.
According to Levin, Markle failed to uphold basic human rights principles, and the couple could have been a valuable asset to the Commonwealth by sharing their views on being young royals in the modern age.
Despite the potential benefits of participating in the coronation ceremony and expanding their network of contacts, the couple chose not to attend.
Levin notes that Prince Charles appeared vulnerable and emotional during the ceremony and could have benefited from the support of his youngest son. Fortunately, Prince William was there to comfort his father with an intimate kiss.
The ceremony itself emphasized humility, kindness, service and compassion, values that Harry and Meghan often preach but don’t always practice.
By contrast, there were no signs of unconscious bias or institutional racism at the ceremony, and Charles made an unprecedented move by including leaders from multiple faiths.