News recently broke that Meghan Markle, the former actress and Duchess of Sussex, has reportedly expressed interest in playing the role of Angelina Jolie in the proposed Mr. & Mrs. Smith. The original film, which centers on two spies who unknowingly marry while tasked with destroying each other, was a massive hit, grossing $478 million worldwide and becoming one of Brad’s most successful projects. Pitt and Angelina Jolie.
Amazon Prime Studios has expressed interest in creating a new series adaptation of Mr. & Mrs. Smith, with Donald Glover, also known as Childish Gambino, set to direct the project. However, the reboot would not feature the film’s original cast.
Meghan Markle, who rose to prominence through her role in the television series Suits, has been looking for opportunities to return to acting. Media commentator Mark Boardman noted that Meghan has ambitions for her career beyond her current endeavours, especially after her recent show on Netflix. With Prince Harry, Meghan is aiming for an Emmy nomination, demonstrating her dedication to pursuing her acting aspirations once again.
Despite Meghan’s interest in the role, Mr. & Mrs. Smith, apparently did not consider her suitable for the role. Sources reveal that Kinberg believed Meghan lacked the flexibility required for the role and the film’s genre may not match her current image and brand.
Interestingly, Simon Kinberg’s wife Cleo Wade was once a friend of Meghan. However, recent actions suggest possible tension in their relationship. Cleo Wade has removed her name tag from a photo celebrating Meghan’s birthday, and there has been a lack of interaction between the two on social media. Meghan was then seen celebrating her birthday with friends Caddy Lee and Cleo Wade, but Cleo’s subsequent posts seemed to highlight a change in dynamic between them.
As Meghan explores her acting ambitions and nurtures her friendships, it remains to be seen how her entertainment career will pan out in the months to come.