Matrix: the ‘dark history’ that marked the life of Keanu Reeves

The unique actor, considered by many to be “lonely”, lived through two very difficult episodes.

Keanu Reeves isn’t exactly Hollywood’s most versatile actor, but he’s one of the most beloved. His roles in productions such as “Bill and Ted’s Amazing Adventure”, “Maximum Speed”, “John Wick” and – could not miss – “The Matrix” earned him the appreciation of audiences and film critics.

The actor is back in the “public arena” thanks to the premiere of the fourth installment of “Matrix”. The saga, which narrates the awakening of humans who have managed to get out of the lethargy imposed by a superior extraterrestrial race, has passed more than fifteen years without much news.

Reeves’ return as “Neo” has been applauded by “Matrix” fans. The new movie also brings back some of the franchise’s most iconic characters. However, with the exception of ‘Neo’ and ‘Trinity’, the other main roles are played by new actors – there is no, for example, Laurence Fishburne as ‘Morpheus’ or Hugo Weaving as ”Agent Smith’—.

Many Internet users have recently remembered the life and work of Reeves and dusted off a few stories that, for some followers of the actor, mark his taciturn and solitary character. He is the legend of being a “humble” celebrity who travels to film sets by public transport and eats anywhere without having to go to prestigious restaurants or exclusive places in the Hollywood scene.

There’s some truth in that, but why has he gained a reputation for having a “dark past” that saddens and determines him?

The loss of a daughter and her separation

Over the years, there has been a lot of speculation about Keanu Reeves’ private life. We talked about the actor’s childhood – calling it “tough” – and the teenage crises that took him from sport to the sets.

We know, for example, that Reeves entered the artistic scene after several frustrations in his career as an athlete: he was part of an ice hockey team.

His first steps in the acting profession were promising and he quickly established himself as a young actor of renown. This led him to be the protagonist of ‘Matrix’, a production with which he made the expected ‘boom’ – an explosion that has already been seen after his outstanding performance with Sandra Bullock in ‘Maximum speed’—.

At that time, his love life was also on the right track: he had a solid relationship with his colleague Jennifer Syme and they were very close to having a daughter.

Unfortunately, the delivery had complications and the little girl was stillborn. This fact had an impact on the couple: Syme and Reeves relapsed into critical episodes of depression. Their differences, say entertainment experts, grew so sharp that, with no alternative, with less and less desire to continue, they went their separate ways.

A second chance that never came

The specialized portals agree that the time of separation has, paradoxically, served to unite them a little more. Syme and Reeves tried to strengthen the relationship even though they weren’t fully together. They wanted, as much as possible, maybe expected, to remain good friends.

And everything was fine.

Until April 2001.

According to the review of several portals, Syme was leaving a party at Marilyn Manson’s house when she, driving down the road, had an accident and died.

That crushing blow, that crack in Reeves’ soul, was only ‘sealed’ – albeit halfway through and even though the pain was as present as the first moment he knew he would never see again. never again Syme – by the ‘Matrix’ project. Reeves was in mourning for a while, but managed to pull himself together as best he could to portray “Neo” in the final two episodes of what was a trilogy at the time.

Both films were released in 2003. From then on, for lovers of the entertainment world, the prestige Reeves achieved did not match his sad character.

Several fans who “fell in love” with “Neo” were unaware of the recent story behind the actor’s silence. Of his withdrawn character. From his lowered gaze. Unexpected sighs from him.

On at least three occasions after the success of ‘Matrix’, the actor had to come out and deny his own death. He too has faced stalkers and paparazzi.

Playing ‘Neo’, although he immortalized him, was about to rob him of any other possibility of emergence. He was on his way to becoming a one-part actor.

Until the story of a man who loses his dog and seeks revenge, again paradoxically, saved his career.

Although he’s been in one or another production before – in ‘Constantine’, the cameras’ Reeves showed the same coldness as in real life – it was with 2014’s ‘John Wick’, that he found the ideal role. Many experts agree that this hitman’s trilogy of films matched his characteristics and qualities.

In fact, ‘Neo’s new look is reminiscent of ‘John Wick’.

The new episode of ‘Matrix’ shows that ‘Neo’ and ‘Trinity’ are trapped in a kind of eternal repetition of events. Uniting the pieces of memories, the characters will have to face, for the last time – and perhaps forever – their destiny.


Hey, I am Avijit... I am mostly addicted to films, music, cricket, and football—and not necessarily in that order....

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