‘London Fields’: Amber Heard sued for refusing to go n-de in the film

The film, based on the novel of the same name by Martin Amis, continues to be embroiled in legal battles.

Amber Heard, soon to be seen as Aquaman Mera’s love interest in Justice League, has been sued for $10 million for refusing to go n-de to London Fields, an adaptation of Martin’s novel of the same name. Has my. As reported by the Telegraph, the actress has been accused of conspiring with director Mathew Cullen to remove the sex scenes from the final cut and, according to the producers, of breaching her contractual obligations.

The interpreter puts herself in the shoes of Nicola Six, a ‘femme fatale’ with divinatory powers worried about a premonition that ends in her murder. Nicola begins to get in touch with three men, very different from each other, knowing that one of them will be the author of his death. The lawsuit against Amber Heard highlights her stress in complying with the project’s script and also puts on the table her alleged conspiracy with Cullen “to make unauthorized changes” in the final version. “Heard understood the nature of the role…and the tone of the script, which was lewd, provocative and n-dit content.”

This is the latest controversy to splash the film, which was originally scheduled to screen at the Toronto Film Festival last year. Jim Sturgess, Billy Bob Thornton, Johnny Depp and Cara Delevingne also appeared in it but the director and some actors took issue with the producers and their decision to do a much more cutting edge cut. Cullen was so upset by the result that he also sued producers Chris Hanley and Jordan Gertner for fraud for “secretly preparing their own version of the film ‘with footage evoking the 9/11 Horsemen’, among other changes. Little soon after, they retaliated and sued him for breach of contract and for going $4.5 million over budget by $8 million.

To further complicate the situation, the screenplay was written by Roberta Hanley, Hanley’s wife. The question we have to ask ourselves is: will London Fields ever be released? Which of its two versions? In the meantime, you can watch the “teaser” for The Justice League, with a premiere scheduled for November 2017.


Hey, I am Avijit... I am mostly addicted to films, music, cricket, and football—and not necessarily in that order....

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