King Charles Summons Harry as Prince Harry & Meghan’Markle s Divorce Confirmed; Calls for Archie & Lilibet’s Return!

Rumors surrounding Prince Harry and Meghan’s wedding have reached fever pitch, and it looks like a divorce could be on the horizon. But fear not, because King Charles is ready to step in and support his youngest son if things take a turn for the worse.

The British press and Western media have been buzzing with speculation about the state of Harry and Meghan’s relationship. While the couple have remained tight-lipped on the rumours, several royal experts have weighed in, suggesting King Charles is ready to come to Harry’s rescue should Meghan Markle claim custody of their children, Archie and Lilibet, in a potential divorce.

There are laws in the British monarchy that would give Prince Harry an advantage, as these children are direct members of the royal family and belong to an institution that should be under their father’s command until they come of age. As head of the monarchy, King Charles III would support his son’s rights as a father.

However, let’s talk about the elephant in the room – rumor has it that Meghan might be tired of Harry and a divorce might be on the horizon. While one shouldn’t jump to conclusions, the Duke and Duchess of Sussex have made fewer public appearances together and have been seen individually in public, which raises eyebrows.

Author and royal expert Tom Bauer added fuel to the fire by claiming Meghan was fed up with Harry. Could this mean a divorce is on the cards sooner than we think? Only time will tell, but the tension between them seems undeniable.

Yet despite past inconveniences or rifts between King Charles III and Prince Harry, family is family, and he will support his son through thick and thin. That’s what we call true royalty: standing by your loved one in times of need.

Speculation surrounding Harry and Meghan’s marriage is reaching fever pitch, and the world is watching with anticipation. Will the couple find a way to reconcile their differences or is a divorce inevitable? We will have to wait and see.


Hey, I am Avijit... I am mostly addicted to films, music, cricket, and football—and not necessarily in that order....

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