Keanu Reeves was seen calmly devouring ice cream. If that’s not an angel, we don’t believe in miracles.

Keanu Reeves was seen calmly devouring ice cream. If it’s not an angel, we don’t believe in miracles.

The actor has a reputation for being normal and calm, but even ordinary people are not able to eat ice cream with such relaxation.

We are used to celebrities disposing of their relationship with the real world in one of two ways: either they protect their privacy as much as possible from the lens of the paparazzi and the entertainment media, showing only what they want us to see, or they go the other way, opening their lives like a book for everyone to see and learn the most common and sometimes grimy details.

But among these two options, there is a third hidden one. A kind of asterisk. These are celebrities who manage to create a kind of myth around their lives off the big screen. With most others, we’re used to assuming that the times we see them in front of the cameras are the times they transform into amazing, mysterious characters. But this little club of celebrities would have us believe the opposite: that it is their ordinary lives that reserve them the most surprises and extraordinary moments. The worst part is that they don’t seem to be trying very hard to do it either.

Keanu Reeves was seen calmly devouring ice cream.  If it's not an angel, we don't believe in miracles.

Bill Murray is undoubtedly the king: the actor and comedian is seen many times among mortals, crossing paths at their baseball games, attending their parties (where he later offers to help with the dishes ), or sharing the table with strangers. in restaurants (where he then offers to take everyone’s note). But a new challenger has arrived for Bill’s crown. He is none other than internet favorite Keanu Reeves.

Keanu Reeves was seen calmly devouring ice cream.  If it's not an angel, we don't believe in miracles.

According to some internet reports, Keanu is in Northern California to begin filming the 4th installment of The Matrix. That didn’t mean the actor didn’t have time to step into the real world, that way only he (and Bill Murray) knew how to do it.

Keanu Reeves was seen calmly devouring ice cream.  If it's not an angel, we don't believe in miracles.

Someone on Twitter was quick to pull the camera off him and record the moment. As if it were the sighting of a snow leopard or some other hard-to-see species, they managed to capture the exact moment when a very calm Keanu, sitting on a ledge, gives the first bite to his ice cream. That’s right, Keanu Reeves was spotted on the street eating ice cream by himself.

Keanu Reeves was seen calmly devouring ice cream.  If it's not an angel, we don't believe in miracles.

We’re sure this won’t be the last time we see Keanu in the real world. Let Bill Murray up his game.


Hey, I am Avijit... I am mostly addicted to films, music, cricket, and football—and not necessarily in that order....

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