Kalen Jackson Calls Out Meghan Markle for Alleged Staged Photos and Image Enhancement

Karen Jackson has confronted Meghan Markle, claiming she orchestrates staged photos and promotes her image. Prince Harry and Meghan Markle traveled to New York on Tuesday to host the Archewell Foundation Parent Summit as part of the Healthy Minds Project’s World Mental Health Day festival. However, one event attendee shared a rather intriguing perspective.

According to a comment on YouTube, participants noticed that many people surrounding Harry and Meghan, including the US surgeon general, seemed quite serious. It turns out that most of these people had previously hosted events where Harry and Meghan were featured.

At these previous events, it was noted that Meghan’s choice of clothing was considered inappropriate for the occasion. As the New York event unfolded, it became apparent that a photographer was present, presumably alongside Meghan, to document the event.

What became clear was that this was not an impromptu moment but a planned photoshoot, specifically for Meghan. The photographer didn’t seem to know what to do, which left the surgeon general perplexed. He expected a quick photo shoot and things to go on as usual.

At one point, a coordinator from Archewell or WME signaled Meghan and the surgeon general to keep their positions and quickly guided Meghan through. Notably, no one called Harry to join the photo, indicating that the focus was solely on Meghan. Meghan asked the photographer to take a photo, and her prominent smile attracted attention, even outshining the white tablecloths.

Immediately after the photo was taken, some attendees claimed Meghan’s mask had slipped, and she was heard informing the surgeon general that the photographer was her personal photographer and was not there for the guests or for the purpose of the event. This likely contributed to the surgeon general’s sour expression afterward.

During the event, there were several instances where Meghan attempted to insert herself into ongoing conversations that others were having. When her efforts were not immediately recognized, she raised her voice, attracting the attention of others. At one point, a representative from Archewell or WME intervened and directed Meghan to another group for a conversation.

Meghan’s clothing choice seemed out of keeping with the occasion, as she wore what appeared to be formal attire. This clothing choice appeared inappropriate and created a significant contrast with the other participants. Such missteps have been seen as a result of Meghan’s tendency to dress in a way that aims to appear glamorous or wealthy, often overshadowing the importance of dressing with class.

The event was attended primarily by experts in the field of mental health, and it was clear to these attendees that Meghan lacked expertise in this area. Her inappropriate dress and disruptive behavior during the conference were noted, suggesting that she did not understand the importance of maintaining a respectful and professional image in such a context.

Overall, it seemed like those attending the event harbored strong negative feelings toward Harry and Meghan. This may have contributed to the couple’s absence from the gala dinner held after the day’s events, which aimed to raise money for a specific charity with high ticket prices.

It emerged that Harry and Meghan left the events prematurely when they did not receive the recognition they expected, and New York did not provide them with the escorted security they usually had, leading to the absence of wreaths during the event.


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