Jennifer Lawrence reveals she was traumatized “forever” after seeing intim-te photos of her posted online

The actress was one of the victims of a computer attack on Apple’s iCloud which, in 2014, exposed intimate photographs of more than 100 celebrities. Seven years later, Jennifer Lawrence says that “the trauma will remain forever”.

Jennifer Lawrence has spoken openly about her involvement in iCloudGate – the computer attack on Apple’s iCloud, which in 2014 exposed intimate photographs of more than 100 celebrities.

“Anyone can look at my n-ked body without my consent, at any time of the day,” the actress, then 24 and one of the highest-paid actresses in the world, told Vanity. Fair in the presentation of his new film ‘Don’t Look Up’, premiering on Netflix.

“Someone in France published them. My trauma will remain forever,” she said.

The actress had already spoken on the subject in a podcast from The Hollywood Reporter. “There is not a person in the world who is not able to see my intimate photos. You can be at a barbecue and someone shows them on their mobile phone. It was an impossible thing to deal with, “said she declared.

In addition to Lawrence, other high-profile women in entertainment, such as Rihanna, Selena Gomez and Kim Kardashian, have also been targeted.


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