Jennifer Aniston’s first boyfriend calls her a great kisser

Jennifer Aniston may have dated some of the most desirable men in her life, but her first romance was with musician Adonis Tsilimparis.

Aniston, who is currently engaged to Justin Theroux, dated Tsilimparis when she was just 12, the New York Daily News reported. Tsilimparis still keeps the Valentine’s Day card Aniston gave him 30 years ago. “Dear Adonis. Love and friendship forever. Jennifer A,” the card read.

Now working as a writer of music for TV and film, the New Yorker said the two youngsters used to sneak behind a school staircase to “kiss”. “She was very open, very, very sweet. She was very, very loving and she had a very big heart,” Adonis said, adding that their romance went no further than kissing.

“I tried. But she wouldn’t let me…We used to go up the service stairs at school at lunchtime and kiss…She wouldn’t let me. was all goofs… But that’s why I loved him. Totally clownish, very adorable and that’s why everyone loved him,” he said.

Tsilim paris does not remember how the young couple separated but his schoolmate Tom Friedner, who also had a brief romance with the star, said it was Tsilimparis who ended it.

“I remember the day they broke up. I can’t remember exactly why, but Adonis initiated it. He couldn’t tell him himself, so he had another friend, Ben, tell him and I remember Ben in the hallway just came up to Jennifer and said, ‘Jennifer, Adonis doesn’t want to date you anymore.’ And she was like, ‘Okay, ok’. I can’t remember exactly why,” Friedner said.


Hey, I am Avijit... I am mostly addicted to films, music, cricket, and football—and not necessarily in that order....

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